52 acre Creekfront Land for Sale with Barns, Mexico, NY! NearLake Ontario Ideal for Hunting, Fishing and Boating! Looking for acreage, this is an ideal location for a family home and an excellent location for horses and other livestock. Property includes acreage on both sides of the road w...
Maine Coon– These cats have heavy, water-resistant coats. Additionally they have large, muscular bodies. The combination makes them well-suited to being outside in the cold weather. They can weigh up to 25 pounds, but are extremely gentle. They are excellent hunters, highly adaptable and ver...
Our Original Poster (OP) wanted to know if he was Unbearable for not wanting his “Woods Bear” brother-in-law (BIL) to move in for the winter hibernation. The brother-in-law Dave had always done a full hibernation in the woods and wants to try a semi-hibernation at OP’s house. Y...
The coming storm in televisionlandNo abstract available.Dumaine, BrianFierman, JaclynHutchins, DexterRogers, MichaelSellers, PatriciaTracy, Eleanor JohnsonWiener, Daniel PFortune