十字路口: Dundas St N & Elgin St N 社区: Cambridge 位置: Dundas St N & Elgin St N 地址: 142 Elgin St NCambridge ON简介Vineyards Towns is a new condo townhome development by Carey Homes located in Cambridge. These luxury townhomes are inspired by Chateau architecture, showcasing a captiva...
Catherine Boone, Property and Political Order in Africa: land rights and the structure of politics. New York NY: Cambridge University Press (hb US$108 – 978 1 107 04069 4; pb US$35.99 – 978 1 107 64993 4). 2014, xvi + 416 pp....
Cambridge, England: Cambridge University Press. Google Scholar Bourdieu, P. (1984). Distinction: A social critique of the judgment of taste. Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press. Google Scholar Burke, T. (1996). Lifebuoy men, lux women: Commodification, consumption, and cleanliness in ...
十字路口: Dundas St N & Elgin St N 社区: Cambridge 位置: Dundas St N & Elgin St N 地址: 142 Elgin St NCambridge ON简介Vineyards Towns is a new condo townhome development by Carey Homes located in Cambridge. These luxury townhomes are inspired by Chateau architecture, showcasing a captiva...
Denisov, Dmitry. 2010.Business lobbying and government relations in Russia: The need for new principles. Reuters Institute Fellowship Paper Sumer Term 2010. University of Oxford. Google Scholar Djankov, Simeon. 2015.Russia’s economy under Putin: From crony capitalism to state capitalism. Washington:...
The design contract was awarded to the German architectural firmgmp Internationalin 2022. Khatib & Alami won the engineering contract. The other packages contractors have submitted bids for are the opera house, the museum, the oceanarium and coral farm, and infrastructure works. ...
For our “helicopter view” we chose the island of Olkhon (Fig. 2) because most of its large (730 km2) territory is undergoing extensive tourist sector development that has expanded recently and caused a fundamental restructuring of its SES (Fig. 3). These developments only started in the...
North DC:Institutions, institutional change and economic performance. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge; 1990. BookGoogle Scholar North DC:The new institutional economics and third world development.InThe new institutional economics and third world development. In. Edited by: Harriss J, Hunter J, Le...
Weder im russländischen Rechtssystem noch in der gesellschaftlichen und politischen Praxis kann Lobbyismus trennscharf von Korruption oder (il)legitimer Interessenvertretung abgegrenzt werden. Lobbyismus wird folglich anhand von drei Forschungsperspektiven diskutiert, die unterschiedliche Aspekte ...
In The Invention of Tradition; Hobsbawn, E., Ranger, T., Eds.; Cambridge University Press: Cambridge, UK, 1982; Last reprinted in 2000; ISBN 0 521 43773 3. [Google Scholar] Secretary of State for the Colonies. East African Royal Commission 1955–1955 Report; Cmd. 9475; Her Majesty’...