There have been few reviews of the effectiveness of the management of coastal mangrove protected areas and coastal land use planning at all levels in the Mekong Delta, Vietnam. Ben Tre province provides a good case study to enable the assessment of typical management practices in the provinces ...
越南2015的越南 Land Use: Mekong River Delta: Ben Tre是多少? 数值 前次数值 最小值 最大值 单位 频率 范围 239.50 2015 236.00 2014 235.80 2012 239.50 2015 千公顷 年 2008 - 2015 越南Land Use: Mekong River Delta: Ben Tre的相关指标相关指标 数值 频率 范围...
And, if you prefer some solo food for thought, a reading garden awaits quietly nearby. Convenience counts, so Mississauga Square offers you the opportunity to work alone or in small groups at charming outdoor work stations. And, when you have the need, the use of guest suites for your ...
VIETNAMAGRICULTURENORMALIZED difference vegetation indexGEOGRAPHIC information systemsFARMSAGRICULTURAL technologyDEVELOPING countriesAgricultural land plays a crucial role in a country's economy, serving as the foundation for food production and contributing significantly to various aspects of the country's ...
This work is funded by Ben Tre Pro-vincial People's Committee and Vietnam Academy of Science and Technolo-gy (VAST).doi:10.4236/jgis.2020.123012Tran Thai BinhTruong HoDo Thanh Long地理信息系统(英文)
The results indicate that overall increase in Unclassified area (urbanization, land degradation and...doi:10.1007/978-3-319-70548-4_513Cherine Ben KhalfallahDalel OuerchefaniKhouloud MazouziEric DelaitreFaiza Khebour-Allouche
Benesperi R, Tretiach M (2004) Differential land snail damage to selected species of the lichen genus Peltigera. Biochem Syst Ecol 32:127-138BENESPERI R. et TRETIACH M., 2004 - Differential land snail damage to selected species of the lichen genus Peltigera. Biochemical systematics and ...