Examples oflandin a Sentence Nounthelandalong the highwayThelandstretched as far as you could see.They cleared somelandto grow crops. Recent Examples on the Web Examples are automatically compiled from online sources to show current usage.Opinions expressed in the examples do not represent those of...
Land trusts, which are trusts tied to real estate, are often used forestate planning. They arerevocable trusts, meaning they can be terminated or changed, and aremeant to be used during your lifetime for managing properties.1 Land trusts can include real estate (e.g., buildings or homes) ...
life style and this has led to new kinds of sicknesses.These new sicknesses were not known in ancient times.So they are called “diseases of civilization”.Many cancers and diseases of the blood system,including heart attacks and strokes(中风)are examples of such diseases. Scientists noted ...
b.someoneinthepastwhodidsomethingimportantthatinfluencesyourlifetoday descendantoffspring Tobecontinuedonthenextpage.Lesson3-MessageoftheLand WordStudy Examples:Whatwouldourforefathershavethought?SeveralofhisforefathersemigratedtoAmerica.Twohundredyearsagoourforefathersestablishedthisnation.Lesson3-MessageoftheLand Se...
create livable spaces for future generations. We can work towards a more sustainable and promising future for all by learning from successful examples like Bristol’s carbon neutrality targets. Let us all strive to be stewards of our planet and build truly sustainable cities for generations to ...
What are examples of tone in literature? What are some examples of real life people who are similar to Mathilde Loisel in Guy de Maupassant's The Necklace? What is the theme of Three Questions by Tolstoy? In The Lottery by Shirley Jackson, what is the kind of...
Below we highlight two examples of how existing theories and new data are combined in our methods, while the integrative principal was applied throughout our model design. Example 1: At the national level, we took lessons from the existing literature that relationships between urban land change ...
4Examples include tours to New Orleans after Hurricane Katrina, to parts of Thailand after the tsunami or to Ground Zero in New York. This kind of tourism is not very popular with local people for understandable reasons. Another kind of tourism with growing popularity is literary tourism.5It ...
Here from the past week are examples of small near-misses in messaging. If only our human communications were a little more fine-tuned, it would be a safer and warmer world. Incident 1. This week before wakeup time, group texts were pinging to my phone. The phone number of the sender ...
This article examines the emerging practice of health impact assessment and offers real-world examples of its effective implementation, including studying the impact of nearby highways--a major source of air pollution--on proposed new housing for seniors. The article argues that officials at the ...