Referring to the manifold studies and the long-term experiences of the restoration of near-natural ecosystems and traditional land-use types, respectively, examples from all over the world are outlined. Additionally to rewilding as a progressive approach
School of Geography and Centre for Water & Planetary Health, University of Lincoln, Lincoln, UK Edward Hanna Lamont-Doherty Earth Observatory, Columbia University, New York, USA Marco Tedesco Corresponding author Correspondence toMichiel van den Broeke. ...
Katherine Judelson (Lincoln: Society for Medieval Archeology, 1992), 67–106 at 89 blames its destruction on Ivan IV’s sack of the city in 1570.3Eve Levin, “Novgorod Birchbark Documents: The Evidence for Literacy in Medieval Russia,” in Medieval Archaeology. Papers of the Seventeenth ...
[5]. They found that Indonesia’s ability to meet its international commitments depends on its capacity to reduce emissions from forests and peatland; however, there was limited evidence of whether the actions for forestry and peatland considered under this policy did reduce emissions. The RAN-GRK...
Natural Resources Conservation Service, National Soil Survey Center; National Soil Survey Center: Lincoln, NE, USA, 2012; pp. 1–228. Charts, M.S.C. Munsell Soil-Color Charts with Genuine Munsell Color Chips; Munsell Color: Grand Rapids, MI, USA, 2010. [Google Scholar] Walkley, A. A ...