Land Purchase Agreement Template Prepared for: [Buyer.FirstName][Buyer.LastName] [Buyer.Company] Created by: [Seller.FirstName][Seller.LastName] [Seller.Company] This Land Purchase Agreement (Agreement) was entered into on the (insert day) day of (insert month)...
In agreement with Mpandeli et al. (2015), our results show a synergistic effect of prolonged drought and intensive rainfall events that lead to LULC changes and land degradation in the district. As noted by Mohamadi and Kavian (2015), alternating prolonged drought events and intensive rainfall ...
Land systems combine land use and land cover, considering that their changes have important consequences for the local environment and human well-being and
9a). Simultaneously, despite higher noise, we observe that the relative weight of mean extreme precipitation events (R99pTOT) displays an opposite trend (i.e., increases), suggesting that as total precipitation decreases, extreme events become progressively more important (in agreement with Fig. 3c...
The first is the level of agreement between the datasets for the 17 aggregated regions that are used for classification in AIM/CGE (Table 7). There are global variations across sectors and species but the ratios of AIM-SSP/RCP to CEDS values are in the range 0.66–1.11, which can be ...
A key factor in the narratives was the fulfillment or not of the peace agreement and the commitments for comprehensive rural reform and substitution of illicit coca crops. These decisions could mark paths for the construction of territorial development and point towards an optimistic or pessimistic ...
The compensation was not based on mutual agreement, and people eventually received less compared to their total land loss to the mining company. About another fifty households were denied any form of compensation because they resisted giving away their land. It worked to the benefit of the company...
Posted in Academic research, Agriculture, Asia and the West, Assam, Bangladesh, Bangladesh India land Boundary Agreement 2015, Bangladesh's economy, Bengal, Brendan Whyte, Britain in India, Commonsense, Diplomacy, Economic Policy, Enclaves, Enclaves in International Law, Fathers and sons, Food and ...
Although agreement on 2005 land-use values was generally good at the global scale, there were still significant differences spatially (Fig. 4). To address this issue, IAM decadal changes in land use were aggregated over a 2° × 2° grid, and these changes were applied sequentially to ...
options for active changes in land management to increase carbon stock or avoid emissions lie within the reach of each individual nation. Indeed, of the declared or submitted nationally determined contributions (NDCs) to implement the Paris Agreement, 10%–30% of the planned reductions in global ...