Land degradation neutrality (LDNAgricultural expansionAdaptationPovertyFood insecuritySustainable development goals (SDGLand has gained stature as a natural resource to be protected since the 2012 Rio+20 Summit. The decision to "strive to achieve a land-degradation neutral world in the context of ...
LDN- Land Degradation Neutrality 土地退化中性 政府/聯合國 LDN- Lsb Developer Network Lsb開發者網絡 計算/IT LDN- Linux Developers Network Linux開發者網絡 計算/IT LDN- Local Data Number 本地數據編號 計算/IT LDN- Listed Directory Number 列出的目錄號 ...
The world's commitment towards land degradation neutrality (LDN) became enshrined in various international agreements and decisions throughout the year 2015. The challenge now becomes one of addressing its operation, in order to achieve these new policy goals and targets by the year 2030. Advancing...
Land degradation refers to the human-induced processes that drive the decline or loss in biodiversity, ecosystem functions, or ecosystem services in any terrestrial and associated aquatic ecosystems (IPBES2018). Land Degradation Neutrality (LDN) is a state whereby the amount and quality of land resou...
Amos T. Kabo-Bah, from the University of Energy and Natural Resources in Ghana, wrote in an email sent to Li that the innovative system for achieving land degradation neutrality in the Arab region has made a strong impression on him. ...
This includes a commitment to implement SDG 15.3, which aims to achieve "Land Degradation Neutrality" (LDN) by 2030. In order to do so, it was decided that the National Sustainable Development Strategy - the key strategic framework in Germany for achieving the SDGs - should include an ...
Land-use changes and practical application of the land degradation neutrality (LDN) indicators: a case study in the subalpine forest ecosystems, Republic of KoreaLand-use changes and practical application of the land degradation neutrality (LDN) indicators: a case study in the subalpine forest ecosys...
This article concludes that the pertinent Malawi soil laws on land degradation neutrality (LDN) have weak Avoid, Reduce, and Reverse priorities. The article uses Roscoe Pound's theory of social engineering to underline ecological interdependence as an overriding interest in resolving the interests of ...
Amos T. Kabo-Bah, from the University of Energy and Natural Resources in Ghana, wrote in an email sent to Li that the innovative system for achieving land degradation neutrality in the Arab region has made a strong impression on him. ...
5.4.1Land degradation neutrality LDNis defined as “a state whereby the amount and quality ofland resourcesnecessary to support ecosystem functions and services and enhance food security remain stable or increase within specified temporal and spatial scales and ecosystems” (UNCCD, 2016). It was intr...