北京壮仕科技有限公司供应CT 2001A-LAND微/小电流测试系统供应产品,适用对象:材料研究、扣式电池以及常规手机电池等等电流量程:1mA/2mA/5mA/10mA/100mA/500mA/1000mA1800mA/3000mA/5000mA电压量程:2V/5V/10V/15V单元通道:8通道,通道之间*独立(独立编程)编程工步:电流
胜蓝公司致力于提供一流的电池检测设备,受到市场的广泛认可,赢得了全球客户的高度赞誉,并在全球市场有所发展,胜蓝公司的主要产品是:land-ct2001a,land-ct2001bts,land-ct2001cbts,超大电流型号land-ct2001dbts和超级电容器检测设备,公司一直本着“开拓 ......
蓝点测试系统 land ct2001 测试正常,但是结束后电脑上没有数据,请教专业人士帮忙解决一下。thank you...
(包含型号:CT2001A CT200B CT200C CT2001D) 1、每个模块提供 8个独立可编程通道(根据实际量程而定);每台计算机允许挂接8-16个机柜;通道之间完全独立。(独立编程控制)。 2、 提供网络/本地一体化软件,兼容原来的单机版软件的所有数据。支持通过局域网/Internet远程控制,有完善的权限机制。
电池测试系统CT2001B-60A(超电,常规)标题:电池测试系统CT2001B-60A(超电,常规)参数:大电流LAND电池检测设备(可根据客户需要定做10A/20A/30A/40A/50A/60A/100A、、、) 型号:LAND-CT2001B 适用对象:各种动力电池研究,电池组,手机电池及电动工具电池等等 电流范围:10A---60A(1...
Turbo Model CT16 For Toyota Land Cruiser 2.5 L 120 HP | For Toyota Hiace 2.5 L 120 HP | For Toyota Hilux Vigo 2.5 L 120 HP 17201-30120 | 1720130120 Engine Type 2KD-FTV Cooled Type Oil cooled Fuel Type Diesel Power 88 KW | 120 HP Build 2001-2007 ...
Turbo Model CT16 For Toyota Hiace Hilux | For Toyota Land Cruiser 17201-30040 | 1720130040 Engine Type 2KD-FTV Cooled Type Water cooled Fuel Type Diesel Power 75 HP | 102 HP Build 2001-2007 Capacity 2.5 L | 2500 ccm OEM No. 17201-30040 Certificate CE/B...
a single land cover type. However, these pixel-wise clustering approaches, when applied to heterogeneous regions, may have limitations as the size of an object may be much smaller than the size of a pixel. In particular, a pixel may not only contain a single land cover type, but a ...
8) in a complete dataset of 5043 3D-CT scans over 2000 patients. When evaluating the detection performance, the landmarks 3cm within the image border are ignored. This value was selected in agreement with our expert annotators. Perfect detection results with no false positives or negatives are...
for which readers are referred to published papers written by the authors and their collaboriltors ( ~ a u s lelt al., 1993: Moran ct al., 1994; Brondizio ct a]., 1994, 1996; Li et al., 1994). As with other cliapters in this volume. the objective here is to discuss how ...