6. a part of the earth's surface marked off by natural or political boundaries or the like; a region or country: They came from many lands. 7. the people of a region or country. 8. a realm or domain: the land of the living. 9. a surface between furrows, as on the interior ...
LANDac, Department of Human Geography and Planning, Faculty of Geosciences, Utrecht University, 3508 TC Utrecht, The Netherlands * Author to whom correspondence should be addressed. Land2020,9(2), 32;https://doi.org/10.3390/land9020032
Define interval boundaries: The first interval (low suitability) starts at the minimum score and extends to the value that marks the end of the first third of the range. The second interval (medium suitability) starts at the end of the first interval and extends to the end of the second ...
The area of the entire United States is just over 2.4 billion acres, including the bodies of water and waterways within the national boundaries. Estimates of the percentage of this land owned by the federal government range from twenty-seven to twenty-eight percent, but in any case, the ...
A construction boom began in the 1950s. New apartment houses pushing up everywhere erased old social boundaries (though the Kolonáki district on the southeast slope of Likavittós remained anenclaveof respectable fortunes), and villages that had been attached to the city in the previous expansion...
The first governors were instructed to “conciliate the affections” of “the natives,” but mutual curiosity soon gave way to misunderstanding, competition for scarce resources, and the impact of disease as the British settlers first struggled to survive and then began to push out the boundaries ...
This paper suggested an asymmetric pattern of dam impacts and there were spatial boundaries. These findings may help devising dam-related policies, especially when it relates to pay for ecosystem services.doi:10.1016/j.apgeog.2021.102588Cho, Myung Sik...
Geography - Documents and Works by RongRong&inri (solo)10.17 - 12.06Three Shadows +3 Gallery (Beijing, China) (1) Don’t walk away,young man - Li Quanshan Solo Exhibition (solo)10.17 - 12.18NUOART Gallery (Beijing, China) (10) Editing the Spectacle - the Individual and Working Methods ...
Steffen, W.et al. Planetary boundaries: guiding human development on a changing planet.Science347, 1259855 (2015). ArticlePubMedGoogle Scholar Manning, P.et al. Redefining ecosystem multifunctionality.Nat. Ecol. Evol.2, 427–436 (2018). ...
and the kernel space use estimation methods64. An MCP encloses all locations with the smallest possible polygon whereby all angles of polygon segments are equal or less than 180° and no line between any two points falls outside the polygon boundaries. By stepwise including greater percentages of...