The Land Before Time The "Land Before Time" animated television series carried on the popular prehistoric stories of dinosaur Littlefoot and pals—Ducky, Petrie, Cera, Spike, Ruby, and Chomper. View An American Tail The story of a little mouse named Fievel, who journeys with his family fr...
The Land Before Time Wiki is an encyclopedia about the Land Before Time series that anyone can edit.
The Land Before Time XIV: Journey of the Brave: Directed by Davis Doi. With Tony Amendola, Felix Wolfe, Issac Ryan Brown, Meghan Strange. After his father doesn't return from an important journey, Littlefoot and company set out to find him.
The Land Before Time V: The Mysterious Island: Directed by Charles Grosvenor. With John Ingle, Brandon La Croix, Aria Noelle Curzon, Rob Paulsen. Littlefoot and his friends the gang in their next when a swarm of leaf gobblers had destroyed their homes an
CHOMPER: Friends for dinner I'm gonna have friends for dinner I'm gonna get a couple of those, a couple of these Things from the bushes and things...
The next chapter of my currently working on Land Before Time is finally posted. The past of Littlefoot's Mother and the connection with the Sharptooth that killed her is finally told and explained, along after that Chomper and Avie goes to the future with the plot of Banjo-Kazooie then ...
又名The Land Before Time V: The ... 编剧 John Loy 主演 Jeff BennettAria Noelle Curzon托马斯·戴克Miriam FlynnJohn Ingle 剧情 When a swarm of "leaf-gobblers" devours all the green food in the Great Valley, the herds move on to find another valley of greens a...演...
Plant Chomper Stationary creatures that resemble Munchers from the Super Mario series. They can be found in large groups forming the ground, and can harm Wario with their teeth if he tries to walk across them. The shadows of Plant Chompers can also be seen within areas of quicksand. Torny...
We must believe we'll suceed Chomper I hope you're right Trivia This song is melodically similar to "Hide My Stones", "We Need a Plan", "Made A Mistake", "We Must Be Brave", "Is It True She Lied", and "I Feel Mad". It is also melodically similar to "Me Need New Home",...
The Mysterious Beyond is a commonly recurring location in The Land Before Time. As the name implies, it is the land beyond the Great Valley that is shrouded in mystery. While it is certain there are many Leaf Eaters in the Mysterious Beyond, they are ver