population growth and overgrazing were perceived as key drivers of LULC change. Both remote sensing techniques and local perceptions were in agreement with the identification of patterns and perceived drivers revealing the inherent value of tacit knowledge resident within the community. This knowledge in...
This study measures the degree of the mismatch phenomenon in utilizing urban land resources from a supply–demand perspective, and a mismatching coefficient, namely land resource mismatch (LRM), is adopted as the measurement. The data used for the empirical analysis are from a sample of 35 ...
Post-COP 29 Critiques and Insights: Climate Adaptation through Business and Land Resource Management Guest editors: Wen Sun, Wenjing Han, Yang Fu, Li He, Jie Wang, Liang Dong The recent conclusion of the COP 29 in Baku, Azerbaijan has seen a noteworthy yet inadequate commitment from affluent ...
Post-COP 29 Critiques and Insights: Climate Adaptation through Business and Land Resource Management Guest editors: Wen Sun, Wenjing Han, Yang Fu, Li He, Jie Wang, Liang Dong The recent conclusion of the COP 29 in Baku, Azerbaijan has seen a noteworthy yet inadequate commitment from affluent ...
The world’s mega trends of land-use and landscape development are discussed, which are urbanization and land-use intensification, particularly considering their negative consequences for the ecological as well as the socio-economic environment. Trade-offs of land-use intensification such as the loss ...
Once a natural object has been constructed as a resource, additional assembling is necessary to transform it into a financial asset. For studying this last step, the sociology of finance—and more broadly, the social science study of finance—offers valuable insights, particularly with regard to ...
Urbanization decreased species richness such as Salix alba and Populus alba in the last few years in the local area. Soil of local area was divided into three different zones and was tested for soil texture and mineral percentage. Zone I soil showed sandy loamy texture with a pH of 8.3, ...
Land as the Resourceland as the resource, sustainable development in a new perspectiveLID methods and materials, nonstructural (preventive) and structuralthe public to recognize, a sense of place in the transition to the sustainableLID, new model of land use/design, community hydrologic boundaries...
Introduction...5 The desired state - achieving development via process of industrialization...5 The present state - current land use distribution...5 General Status of Land Use in West Bengal...5 The initiative - land acquisition
Purpose: In life cycle assessment (LCA), literature suggests accounting for land as a resource either by what it delivers (e.g., biomass content) or the time and space needed to produce biomass (land occupation), in order to avoid double-counting. This paper proposes and implements a new ...