the 16th century. It lies in the Jura Mountains and the Alps, with a plateau between the two ranges. Official languages: German, French, and Italian; Romansch minority. Religion: mostly Protestant and Roman Catholic. Currency: Swiss franc. Capital: Bern. Pop: 7 996 026 (2013 est). Area...
Alandareaaboutthesizeof theBritishIslescouldhavetobeabandonedin the wake ofacatastrophicaccident. 一块大约是不列颠群岛面积大小的陆地不得不因为一次灾难性的事故而放弃。 3. Premier Anna Blighsaidtheareaaboutthreequarters ofadisasterarea,theequivalentlandareaofSouth Africa. ...
The Central Lowlands run from southwest to northeast and the greatest length is nearly 145 kilometers.The soil here is fertile,and there are four coalfields underlying the area.In the east is Edinburgh,Scotland's historic capital city,and in the west is Glasgow. Almost 90 percent of Scotland...
roughly the size of the British Isles, but with over fi ve million citizens, it is the country’s second most populated state. T e discovery of gold in 1851, and the ensuing infl ux of speculators and entrepreneurs, provided the catalyst that transformed the State of Victoria into what...
We had no problem at all walking up from the ship to the 'downtown' area of Nuuk, hiking all over the place, and walking back down to the ship again. Going uphill is a workout but was easily doable for us (seniors). We never felt unsafe on the road at any time, maybe because ...
It has a total land area of 244,100 square kilometres, of which nearly 99% is land and the remainder inland water。From north to south it is about 1,000 kilometres long. (1) Northwest ofEurope (2)North Atlantic Ocean (3) Separated from the rest of Europe by theEnglish Channel 2....
UK Land and famous places TheUKLandscapeisveryvaried,rangingfromtheGrampianMountainsofScotlandtothelowlandfensofEnglandwhichareatorbelowsealevelinplaces.ScotlandandWalesarethemostmountainouspartsoftheUK.Aridgeofhills,thePennine,runsdownthecentreofnorthernEngland.Manycoastalareasarelow-lying,especiallyintheeastand...
A.thathavealargenumberofBritishimmigrants B.thatfoughtonthesideofBritaininthetwoworldwars C.thatspeakEnglishastheirnativelanguage D.thatwereoncecoloniesofBritain ❖4Aboutahundredyearsago,asaresultofimperialistexpansion,Britainruledanempirethathadonefourthoftheworld'speopleand___oftheworld'slandarea.A.onethi...
(3)England AsforthegreatimportanceofEnglandintheU.K., peopleoftenusetheword“England”whentheymeanthecountry. Manyforeignersareoftenconfused,sotheyfollowsuit.However, thepeopleinScotland,WalesandNorthernIrelanddonotlikeit. 20216 (4)BritishEmpire ¼oftheworld’slandareaandpopulation 20217 (5)British...
F10. Hawaii has the largest land area of all the states, and Alaska has one of the smallest land areas. ⅠTrue or False T1. The first English colony in America was founded at Jamestown, Virginia, in 1607. F2. The early British settlers organized the east coast of North America into 17...