In the short story “Blue Boojum” we enter the aftermath of a dirty bomb that diverted the channel of the Mississippi River, a terrorist act that ultimately triggers a worldwide apocalypse. “In the Boojum Forest” we follow an American desert plant collector on a quest for rare dwarf ...
In the Middle East, Park [79] summarises the effectiveness of the photo mosaic technique to act as a base for resource inventory mapping in the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan: even in the featureless flat landscape, the photographic method is shown to have great utility, including the ability fo...
Sustainability 2019, 11, 2434 Sustainability 2019, 9, x FOR PEER REVIEW 3 of 19 3 of 19 FiFgiugruere1.1.MMeecchhaanniissmmooff ppoopulation--llaanndd--iinndduusstrtryyuurbrbaanniziaztaitoino.n. ThTeheGGanasnusuPPrroovviinncce, wwitihthpopooroercoenconmoimc dicevdeleovpemloepnmt aenndt ...
The overall objective of the AFRICOVER-EA project was to improve the availability of reliable, timely and location-specific land cover information in 12 African countries (Egypt, Sudan, Ethiopia, Djibouti, Eritrea, Somalia, Kenya, Uganda, Tanzania, Rwanda, Burundi and the Democratic Republic of ...
The negative influence was weakest for women in Gabon, DRC, East Africa (Tanzania, Uganda, Burundi, Rwanda and Kenya), in selective regions across West Africa and Benshangul-Gumaz administrative region in Ethiopia. It had its strongest influence for women in Zambia and in Tanzania. This has ...
These studies collectively emphasize that the impact of changes in climate and LULC on watershed hydrology varies spatially and may either act synergistically or offset depending on watershed characteristics. The hydrological responses to varying climate and LULC changes in the Chemoga watershed, located ...
These studies collectively emphasize that the impact of changes in climate and LULC on watershed hydrology varies spatially and may either act synergistically or offset depending on watershed characteristics. The hydrological responses to varying climate and LULC changes in the Chemoga watershed, located ...