works willtheacquired landbemainly used for, and what is the estimated sum to be paid by the Government in this aspect? 徵用土地主要用於那些 工程, 政府付出 的 金額的預計 總額為 若干? ...
12.On the Mortgage of Land Contract Management Right Acquired by Family Contract;论家庭承包取得的土地承包经营权抵押 13.Discussion on institutions of higher learning financial accounting method for allotted land;高校新取得划拨土地财务核算方法的探讨 14.Types of State-run Land Use Rights and Ways of ...
been facilitated by local or regional governments anxious to raise the rate of growth in their jurisdictions, which generate large spillover effects and/or raise government revenues. At the same time, farmers cultivating these lands and workers employed by these farmers lose their livelihoods. The...
Last year, the Supreme Court ordered that the 1000 acres of farm land acquired for the Nano factory be returned to farmers. In Indian states confrontation over land acquisition often occurs because of the growing demand of land for industrial and development projects. Farmers are usually reluctant...
TheLAAprovidesthatinterestsinlandmaybetakenbytheState forapublicwork.Section2ofthePublicWorksAct1902(PWA) defineswhatcomeswithinthemeaningofa“publicwork”.Other statutesmayprovidethatadditionalundertakingscomewithin thePWA’sdefinition,forexampletheWesternAustralianLand AuthorityAct1992andtheGovernmentRailwaysAct1904....
about attempts by the Htoo Company to acquire their land at a greatly undervalued amount; their complaint was rejected in court on the grounds that the land was being acquired for a Government [...] 2011 年 2 月 4 日,四个农民提出申诉,指控Htoo公司企图以十分低廉价...
Land Acquisition, Rehabilitation and Resettlement Act, 2013 (Act No.30 of 2013); (b) "Appropriate Government" means the State Government and includes the District Collector of the concerned District for any extent of land to be acquired for a public purpose within the jurisdiction of the ...
aWhere any land or any interest in any land is required by the Authority for any of its purposes, that land or interest therein may be acquired under the Land Acquisition Act (Chapter 460) by the Government for the Authority and the provisions of that Act shall apply for the purposes of...
1. Easement: the right to use other people's land because of the limitation of the land that he owns or uses 2 land use right mortgage: refers to the use of the mortgagee (mortgagee) to use legal land use rights to transfer the possession of collateral to the mortgagee to perform the ...
questions: (a) Whose lands were acquired: poor cultivators or wealthier landowners/non-cultivators? How much land was acquired: was it large relative to lands owned previously for the majority of affected landowners? (b) Did the government ...