This case involves the constitutionality ofLB 1161- a bill passed in 2012 to amend the pipeline siting laws enacted by the Nebraska Legislature in 2011. The constitutional issues before this court will not require consideration of the current pipeline debate, nor will the decision in this case ...
Lancaster County, Nebraska 555 S 10th St Rm 108 Lincoln, NE 68508 Phone:(402) 441-7481 Fax:(402) 441-8728 In southeastern NE, southwest of Omaha; original county, organized Mar 6, 1855 (prior to statehood).Name Origin:For Lancaster County, PA, former home of many...
areas, our attorneys understand the people and businesses of Nebraska and how our legal system works. We are always ready tosit down at the negotiating tableto mediate an issue, but we also have the resources and experience to conduct trials and argue cases up to the Nebraska Supreme Court....
Arbor is an unincorporated community in Lancaster County, Nebraska, United States. Arbor is situated 3½ km north of Walter Independent Living.Haymarket District Suburb Photo: Ammodramus, CC0. Haymarket District is a historic section of downtown Lincoln, Nebraska, United States. Haymarket District...
She alleged that a Nebraska court lacked jurisdiction to dissolve a same-sex marriage.On August 30, 2013, the district court entered an order granting Margie's motion to dismiss for lack of subject matter jurisdiction. The court concluded that it lacked subject matter jurisdiction to dissolve the...
The court's jury instruction No. 3 as to the ele-ments of the offense provided, in pertinent part: Regarding the crime of Unlawful Sale or Purchase of Motor Vehicle, the State must prove beyond a reasonable doubt that: 1. . . . Merchant bought, sold, exchanged, caused the sale of, ...