In Lancaster City, 54% of students tested at or above the proficient level for reading, and 51% tested at or above that level for math.Tarhe Trails Elementary School did better in math and better in reading in this metric compared with students across the state. In Ohio, 57% of students...
A panel discussion of the internship in school psychology in Ohio : School psychologists of central Ohio, Lancaster City Schools, Lancaster, Ohio. (Distributed by the Division of special education, Ohio department of education, Columbus, Ohio), 1963...
美国America 俄亥俄州兰开斯特 时间 05 : 32 : 47 2024年12月29日,星期日 所属时区:UTC/GMT -5 小时 (西五区) 经度/纬度:西经 -82°602'/ 南纬 +39°714' 国家区号:+1(美国) 地区区号: 电脑时间:12/29/2024, 6:32:47 PM 和北京时间差:晚-13:00个小时 ...