Share on Facebook LDR (redirected fromLana Del Rey) Category filter: AcronymDefinition LDRLana Del Rey(musician) LDRLoader LDRLeader LDRLaw of Diminishing Returns(economic theory) LDRLand Disposal Restrictions LDRLong Distance Relationship LDRLebanon Daily Record(newspaper; Lebanon, MO) ...
打雷姐原名Elizabeth Woolridge Grant,在Lana Del Rey这个艺名前还有其他几个艺名比如Lizzy Grant。Lana Del Rey来源于美国电影女演员Lana Turner和福特在巴西推出的一款车型 —— Ford Del Rey。 这样绝妙地结合不仅很打雷姐,而且很英国。其实对于艺名打雷姐还是很认真的,她曾说过她的艺名需要有直接令人感受出她所想...
website: wikipedia: facebook: youtube: myspace: ♔ 👄🌹 🔫 ...
《Kintsugi》这首歌源自日本传统的陶器修复技术,象征着一种独特的哲学理念。Lana Del Rey在这首歌中融入了自己的情感和思考,以家人为主题,展现了深厚的情感。由于对Lana Del Rey的家庭生活了解有限,翻译过程中遇到了一些挑战,有些歌词难以完全理解,也缺乏相应的资料支持。尽管如此,我们依然尽力提供了一种可能的翻译,...
Two decades apart in age, similarities between the two women (who played eight shows together in 2015 for Del Rey’s Endless Summer tour) are irrefutable. What if Love had come of age when Del Rey did, when every professional move she made was documented on Wikipedia within moments?...
In short, Lana Del Rey’s entire persona is based on theMarilyn Monroe “prototype”– a Beta Kitten slave who gets passed around at the highest levels of the elite. For this reason, Lana’s work is replete with references to Marilyn Monroe. In fact, in the song Body Electric...
California - Lana Del Rey 4904 0 2021-02-08 18:36:33 您当前的浏览器不支持 HTML5 播放器 请更换浏览器再试试哦~ 91 20 69 26 AI视频总结 测试版 记笔记 Film: And While We Were Here (2012) (那年此时)
Lana Dictionary Thesaurus Medical Financial Acronyms Wikipedia The following article is fromThe Great Soviet Encyclopedia(1979). It might be outdated or ideologically biased. (from Latinlana,“wool”), a medieval guild of wool-workers in an Italian city. ...
Lana Del Rey x Billie Eilish - Ocean Eyes/Video Games - Live at Coachella 2024 ThishReviewbrought to you by the hReview byfreddy,based on 21,009,149reviews and1,158,717votesin 215 countries ( before Revolvermaps Shutdown 17.11.24) ...