作词 : Lana Del Rey/Daniel Law Heath 作曲 : Lana Del Rey/Daniel Law Heath 音响:天朗皇家西敏寺功放:麦景图 录音MIC:纽曼149 2支 录音设备:SSL+ Protools 展开更多发现《Ultraviolence》 音乐分享官 音乐 音乐综合 神曲 欧美音乐 摇滚 拉娜·德雷 录音棚 打雷姐 音响 Lana Del Rey...
Lana Del Rey 拉娜·德蕾,美国独立女歌手(我更愿意称她美国诗人hhh 播放列表: ♡ Summertime Sadness ♡ Watercolor Eyes ♡ Young And Beautiful ♡ Old Money ♡ Say Yes To Heaven ♡ West Coast ♡ Ultraviolence - 展开更多 Old Money ...
” Del Rey’s sadness echoes throughout theUltraviolencestandout. “The juxtaposition of those two worlds, the peaceful beginning and the chaotic chorus, it summed up my personal circumstances of everything going easily and then everything being fucked up,” Del Rey toldClashof the song. “It...
One embarrassing yet completely unsurprising thing about me is that Lana Del Rey is literally the only artist on my sex playlist. That’s it—fuck me to “Venice Bitch” or leave me the hell alone. Yes, this is largely a symptom of both my environment and also the everything else about...
Lana Del Rey has previously shared some of the information about her forthcoming album Ultraviolence. We know it includes production from the Black Keys' Dan Auerbach, we heard its lead single "West Coast", and saw the tracklist. Today, she's revealed the release date as well as the album...
就像Lana Del Rey的音乐里,你很难说她确定地表达了某个有价值意图的故事或是哲理。她更多的是使用只言片语创造某种直觉性的氛围。 这种美学特质,让她的音乐呈现出一种一以贯之的精神——即便在每一张唱片之间她都切换着不同的风格。《Born to Die》是一张精致的小众音乐杂烩,《Ultraviolence》投向了噪音迷幻的...
在她2014年的专辑《Ultraviolence》中收录的《Brooklyn Baby》中,她唱着,“I get down with beat ...
从 2012 年发行首张专辑《Born To Die》开始,Lana Del Rey 慵懒迷幻的声线和醇厚的复古曲风就给听众留下深刻的印象。为电影《了不起的盖茨比》演唱的歌曲《Young and Beautiful》,颓靡嗓音与舒缓旋律完美贴合菲茨杰拉德笔下的繁华与落寞,将落幕余韵烘托得愈发绵长。而在《Ultraviolence》《West Coast》等色彩沉郁的...
采样Nino Rota的《What Is a Youth》,《old -money》被收录在Del Rey 2014年的专辑《Ultraviolence》中,非常典型的Del Rey风格。 "Blue hydrangea, cold cash, divine, Red racing cars,sunset and vine." 深受“垮掉的一代(Beat Generation)”影响,迷恋诗歌与哲学,她的诗人属性在这首歌曲中亦可窥见。
虽然 lana 可能不会再去选择像 Ultraviolence 那样的、完整的风格艺术化,但从 Honeymoon 开始到现在的 ...