After covering “Doin’ Time,” it was only a matter of time before Lana found her way to the original song Sublime were referencing. Her interpretation of “Summertime,” one of George Gershwin’s most iconic works in the Great American Songbook, is suitably lush and indulgent, with a touc...
“Cinnamon Girl” in theJon Batistefeature “Candy Necklace,” and chopped-up strings from “Norman Fucking Rockwell” on “A&W”—suggests an artist who is tracing her own evolution and also submitting her work, ripe for reimagining, for entry in the greater American songbook from whic...
for all the sadness and desperation across her songbook, an early lyric in the song, “i didn’t even like myself,” feels like her barest, most wounded confession. when lana released the piano ballad “arcadia” this summer, she instructed her fans, “listen to it like you listened to...
“I’ve maybe less to say in terms of any self-revealing things like on ‘Tunnel’ or ‘Blue Bannisters’ or ‘Chemtrails Over The Country Club’, and just more melodic,” she told us. “Maybe more American Songbook style?” She also opened up her...
favorite sweater in what seems like one swooning breath, and the album’s tour de force, “Off to the Races,” a theme song for the gold-digging coquette of some imaginary hip-hop film noir that juxtaposes a full orchestra and machine-gun barks straight out of the Portishead songbook. ...
In the course, called “The Taylor Swift Songbook,” Scala centers on Swift’s songs as poetry. “I started with treating Taylor Swift as kind of a poet and dealing with her lyrics as poetry,” she said. “And then I would often pair (the songs) with … a Renaissance love poet.” ...
Lana del Rey - Born to Die 定价 $19.20 作者 Del Rey Lana 出版日期 2013-3 ISBN 9781458448620 目录 1内容简介 折叠编辑本段内容简介 (Music Sales America). Born to Die is the acclaimed breakthrou诉头gh album by American singer-songwriter Lana Del Rey. This matching folio songbook features ...
suggesting that the lyrics might be lighter than her more recent output. “I’ve maybe less to say in terms of any self-revealing things like on ‘Tunnel’ or ‘Blue Bannisters’ or ‘Chemtrails Over The Country Club’, and just more melodic,” she said. “Maybe more...