26.God Knows I Tried(-1) 27.Swan Song(-1) 28.Is This Happiness(-1) 29.Cherry(New) 新专排第三的歌,和Coachella差不多的层面,而且这首歌惊人的内涵和制作会有较大的升值空间。 30.Breaking my heart(-2) 31.American(-2) 32.Get Free(New) 很多人在那篇里看不懂Roger Waters[水爷]是干什么...
2.Lana Del Rey –“Born To Die” (Born to Die, 2012) The first few notes of this Lana Del Rey song signal the orchestral sound that carries much of the album it gives its title to. The acclaimed track is full of love, and the desire to live life on the wild side. 1.Lana Del ...
名称:Lana Del Rey精选:优雅的复古流行女王 PredatoryWasp 简介:拉娜·德雷(Lana Del Rey),1986年6月21日出生于美国纽约州,美国女歌手、词曲创作者、模特。 2011年6月发行首张单曲《Video Game》。2012年1月27日发行首张专辑《Born to Die》;同年2月21日获得第32届全英音乐奖国际突破艺人奖。2013年获第32...
复古女伶,吟游诗人,丧曲天后,Lana Del Rey的身上有太多数不清的标签,但这些标签不影响打雷姐肆意展示自己的才华。从荒芜破败的乡村俱乐部到灯红酒绿的迈阿密海滨,从纸醉金迷的二十世纪五十年代到纷纷扰扰的今天,打雷姐用诗一般的语言书写着美国的前世今日,带着反叛和懊悔,带着回忆和期待。有人说,美国是虚拟的,是...
71.“Swan Song”(Honeymoon, 2015) As early as 2012, Lana Del Rey wasdramatically teasing her retirement: “I don’t think I’ll write another record… I feel like everything I wanted to say, I’ve said already.”“Swan Song” almost makes good on that threat: “And I will never ...
翻译: -《Kinda of Luck》:“Kinda of Luck”(也被称为“Born Bad Baby”,“Kinda of Luck”或“Kindness of Strangers”)是Lana Del Rey在2010年《Born to Die》早期录制期间录制的一首未发行的歌曲。 -Making out: "Making Out" (also referred to as 'Honey') is an unreleased song by Lana Del ...
《Swan Song》Put your white tennis shoes on and follow me.穿上你的白色网球鞋,跟我来Why work so hard when you could just be free?既然可以无拘无束,为何要苦苦追求?You got your morning, oh, you got your legacy,你有你的清晨,你有你的天赋Let's leave the world for the ones who change ...
歌手:Lana Del Rey Love song (Explicit) - Lana Del Rey (拉娜·德雷) In the car in the car in the backseat I'm your baby We go fast we go so fast we don't move I believe in a place you take me Make you real proud of your baby ...
She also wrote that she has “been honest and optimistic about the challenging relationships” she has had, adding, “That’s just how it is for many women.” However, Del Rey has also expressed regret about some of her early song lyrics, and in 2017 she announced that she would be ret...