Platinum Preppy Fountain Pen- YellowFaber-Castell Ambition Op Art Fountain Pen- Flamingo 水里摇摇 Pico 11 真美,可惜我没有加精权限 水里摇摇 Pico 11 @镜无斋主人 七七柒喝豆奶 Logo 7 赏心悦目 贴吧用户_QUJ1PRD Pico 11 TWSBI生态钢笔还行(经济型) 灵叽叽灵 Swift 9 好看哦 ...
The Lamy brand has existed since 1952 and proved its innovative prowess in the very first year with the completely novel Lamy 27 fountain pen series. And in 1966 the distinctive style of Lamy Design was born with the Lamy 2000. Aion Ideos Lx Screen Dialog Imporium 2000 Accent ...
[商品 : Lamy Safari Fountain Pen, Yellow Fine Nib (L18F) : Office Products] 顺带一起买了吸墨器。 [商品 : Lamy Refill Converter (Z24) : Pen Refills : Office Products] 淘宝买了瓶墨水。总归花掉250左右。。感觉自己真的蛮250的。花那么多钱买那么贵的笔 外盒包装还不...
原价$35.00,现此款L18F降至好价$20.54,支持直邮中国,无税,邮费仅需$2.07,到手约¥147。亚马逊购买地址>>|美国亚马逊Amazon直邮中国手把手教程>>|lamy更多特价看这里>> 这款Lamy Safari Fountain Pen, Yellow Fine Nib (L18F)钢笔颜色亮丽,不仅是可以作为书写工具,同样是很好的装饰品。笔身通体材质采用车用强力...
Lamy Joy AL Calligraphy Pen 27 € 20.25 € More 4 25% Lamy Safari Fountain pen Yellow 24 € 18 € More 4 25% Lamy Safari Fountain pen White 24 € 18 € More 6 25% Lamy M 66 Rollerballrefill 4€ 3€ More 25% Buy! Lamy 2000 Ballpoint 58 € 43.50 € ...
[商品:Lamy Safari Yellow Fountain Pen Fine Nib] 绿色的Nexx钢笔,实际到手感觉笔帽有点胖胖的,担心夹不稳。德国买15.9欧。 [商品:Lamy Nexx Fountain Pen Fine Lime Green] 墨水瓶的设计很赞,底部是圆锥状的,我第一次看到墨水瓶这么人性化设计——无论多么少的墨水,都会集中到底部,可以让你不必倾斜瓶子吸墨...
Lamy Safari Yellow Mechanical pencil 0.5mm EUR €14.50 Add to Cart Buy nowAsk a question Within 7 business days Lamy Safari Red Mechanical pencil 0.5mm EUR €14.50 Add to Cart Buy nowAsk a question In Stock Lamy Safari Blue Mechanical pencil 0.5mm ...
Montblanc Bonheur Boyfriend Fountain Pen 万宝龙Bonheur系列的设计源自20世纪20年代时尚潮流的传承,彰显优雅和自由。它采用护身符与流星图案设计。笔尖为14K金尖,是一支女性用笔,如官方介绍的它就像经典的黑色连衣裙一样,可作为随身美物装点任何一款女士手袋。目前官网售价$780.00 ...
Safari Rollerball Pen Yellow Very happy with my yellow Safari Rollerball Pen which matches my yellow Safari Fountain Pen. Hoping to buy a yellow Safari Mechanical Pencil some time in the future. Good helpful service in the Sydney (George Street) store. Thank you. Was this review helpful? Yes...
always looking for penguin fountain pens and stationery Sailor Kenshin Member - Gold 10.1k Flag: PostedOctober 29, 2022 Extremely cute. I think I actually have a Yiren (or Chiren), but it's like a yellow/green ombre and writes very wet. ...