安装完成后,在开始菜单找到lammps-gui程序,点击运行 程序运行后,会弹出lammps编辑界面,点击file菜单可以新建或者打开in文件 如打开lammps自带案例melt的in文件: 打开之后可以发现,lammps编辑界面非常清爽,不同的命令使用不同的颜色进行区分,类似vs code的效果。 这个界面的操作和记事本类似,可以任意添加和修改代码 写完in...
add "Inspect restart file" feature into LAMMPS-GUI that creates three windows after reading the restart into a separate LAMMPS instance with: 1) info command output, 2) the data file written from the restart, 3) a snapshot image (which can be rotated, zoomed and more) CMake scripting ...
This pull request contains revisions to the paper text and the tutorial files to make using them with LAMMPS-GUI smoother. Also, some LAMMPS-GUI test is revised and simplified, where possible, to reduce redundancy.
这意思是说,安装GUI,除了编译Jave程序之外,还要编译一些用来做辅助运算的Fortran程序. 不过我从来不用GUI...
at GUI.main(GUI.java:661)百度,谷歌搜索了一下,有人说环境变量设置有问题。在一个类似问题的帖中...
QuantumATK as GUI for LAMMPS LAMMPS trajectories into QuantumATK
@@ -33,14 +33,18 @@ def model_to_lammps_input(model: AtomicModel, charge=False): text = "# Comment\n" n_atoms = model.n_atoms() text += "box tilt large\n" text += "change_box all triclinic\n" text += str(n_atoms) + " atoms\n" types = model.types_of_atoms() text...