lammps -in ``` 其中,viscosity.in是前面准备好的lammps输入文件。执行上述命令后,lammps将进行粘度计算,并输出最终的粘度结果。 通过上述案例,我们可以使用lammps软件计算液体的粘度。这个案例仅仅作为一个示例,具体的模拟系统和参数需要根据实际情况进行调整。同时,lammps还提供了丰富的功能和计算方式,可以...
以下是通过 GK 公式计算液体 Ar 的粘度的示例输入脚本: # Sample LAMMPS input script for viscosity of liquid Ar units real variable T equal 86.4956 variable V equal vol variable dt 38、 equal 4.0 variable p equal 400 # correlation length variable s equal 5 # sample interval variable d equal $...
fix 2 all viscosity 1000 z 1 1 # Run simulation ``` 完成LAMMPS输入文件后,我们可以使用以下命令运行模拟: ``` $ lammps < input.lmp ``` 模拟完成后,LAMMPS将生成输出文件,其中包含了模拟结果。我们可以使用以下命令从输出文件中提取出粘度数值: ``` $ grep "Viscosity of system" log.lammps ``` ...
So that you can see how to scale/unscale input and output values read/written by LAMMPS to verify you are performing the same simulation in different unit systems. The VISCOSITY directory has example scripts for computing the viscosity of a LJ liquid using 4 different methods. See the ...
[BUG] pair_style lubricate does not support dynamically altering viscosity during simulationbug #4323 openedSep 11, 2024bysouvi-lrcs 1 [Feature Request] Add tester to check FFTsenhancementunittest_featurevolunteer_needed #4317 openedSep 6, 2024byakohlmey ...
14、 -screen log.screen 1.0e-6bars reduced LJ pressure, P* = P sigma3 / epsilon 粘度 Poise Poise Pa*s Poise reduced LJ viscosity, eta* = eta sigma3 / ep- silon / tau 电荷 multiple of electron charge (+1.0 is a pro- ton) multiple of electron charge (+1.0 is a proton) C stat...
dynamic viscosity = reduced LJ viscosity, where eta* = eta sigma^3 / epsilon / tau charge = reduced LJ charge, where q* = q / (4 pi perm0 sigma epsilon)^1/2 dipole = reduced LJ dipole, moment where *mu = mu / (4 pi perm0 sigma^3 epsilon)^1/2 electric field = force/charge...
LAMMPS简要使用说明.pdf,LAMMPS 简要使用说明 目录 lammps 简要使用说明 1 LAMMPS 介绍 4 文件 4 1. 系统初始化 4 units lj/real/metal/si/cgs 4 atom_style angle/atomic/bond/charge/dipole/dpd/ellipsoid/full/granular/molecular/hybrid 5 atom_modify map/first 5 dime
dynamic viscosity = Poise charge = multiple of electron charge (+1.0 is a proton) dipole = charge*Angstroms electric field = volts/Angstrom density = gram/cm^dim units style 23 常用命令简介 24 ★ region 定义几何区域 region ID style args keyword arg ... 将某一几何区域定义为region,供其他命...