atom_style sphere boundary p p fm newton off comm_modify vel yes region reg block010101units box create_box1reg neighbor0.2bin neigh_modify delay0pair_style gran/hooke/history200.0NULL50.0NULL0.50pair_coeff**timestep0.001fix1all nve/sphere fix2all gravity1.0spherical0.0-180.0fix zlower all wall...
又看有说hard sphere colloid又是个什么东西??或者推荐什么比较好的模拟colloid的软件或者方法。非常感谢...
The deviation of the total energy between all timestep sizes, admittedly an ad hoc criterion to quantify the stability of the integrators, but one that is rather hard for the inte- grators to get exactly right, is in the sub-percent range. It is actually slightly better for the DOT-C ...