打算运用已经安装好的LAMMPS中的ReaxFF 做反应模拟报错,请问是什么原因:ERROR:Unknown command:Reactive...
ERROR: Unknown command: LAMMPS (22 Feb 2013) ( input.cpp:204)
ERROR: Unknown command: {\rtf1\ansi\ansicpg936\deff0{\fonttbl{\f0\fnil\fcharset134 \'cb\'ce\'cc\'e5;}} (input.cpp:203) 我想问一下大家这个错误怎么找,还有就是后面小括号里面是什么意思?是in文件的错误出现在的所在行吗?先谢过了。 返回小木虫查看更多分享...
1.ERROR: Unrecognized pair style 'reaxff' is part of the REAXFF package which is not enabled in this LAMMPS binary. (../force.cpp:279) ERROR: Unrecognized pair style 'reaxff' is part of the REAXFF package which is not enabled in this LAMMPS binary. (../force.cpp:279) 这是由于未...
// 若command为空,说明这行没有命令,直接读取下一行 // 若command为label,直接读取下一行 if (label_active && strcmp(command,"label") != 0) continue; // 执行命令 if (execute_command()) { char *str = new char[maxline+32]; sprintf(str,"Unknown command: %s",line); error->all(FLERR,st...
ERROR: Unrecognized pair style 'eam' is part of the MANYBODY package which is not enabled in ...
in.fitpod: { folder: /project/rcc/trung/lammps-git/examples/PACKAGES/pod/InP, status: "failed, ERROR: Cannot fit potential without data files. The data paths may not be valid. Please check the data paths in the POD data file. (src/ML-POD/fitpod_command.cpp:718).", walltime: -1 ...
(iarg+2 > narg) error->universe_all(FLERR,"Invalid command-line argument"); memory->grow(pfirst,npack+1,"lammps:pfirst"); memory->grow(plast,npack+1,"lammps:plast"); // delimit args for package command invocation // any package arg with leading "-" will be followed by numeric ...
ERROR: Unknown command: LAMMPS (22 Feb 2013) ( input.cpp:204)
[求助]lammps 报错 ERROR: Unknown command: (../input.cpp:204)下面是 input script: units ...