为每个驾驶者而生。Huracán Tecnica内饰的多样性特色,更是令其与众不同。通过丰富的个性化选配,为每个驾驶者提供最令人满意的驾驶体验。由顶级材料制成的独特内饰和全新专属装饰运动座椅,展现了Lamborghini的意大利设计传统。 Huracán Tecnica同样兼具先进的技术,配备了专门的HMI图形人机界面和独家增强互联。
使用智能手机扫描二维码,开启 Lamborghini 增强现实体验。 概览 Huracán EVO 后驱敞篷版专为追求纯粹驾驶乐趣与激情的驾驶者而生,敞篷设计让肾上腺素飙升的驾驶体验进一步升华。伴随强大引擎发出的独特声浪,感受疾风从耳边呼啸而过,在加速中探索新天地,体验无与伦比的自由与释放。“回归后驱”带来的快感,将兰博基尼纯粹...
As a unique expression of Lamborghini Design DNA, the Huracán EVO RWD Spyder reflects the purest creative vision through perfection of form, gratifying the emotions from every angle. The RWD version of the EVO Spyder clearly differs from its 4WD counterpart with its shark-like nose and new, sh...
predictive technology employed in the best-loved Lamborghini V10 model, distilled to deliver pure, unfiltered driving excitement. Here, driving skills and mechanics make the difference: this “return to rear-wheel drive” embraces the origins of mechanical purity—the true essence of a Lamborghini. ...
Lamborghini Centro Stile Design CONNECT WITH YOUR HURACÁN EVO With the new connected services, the experience on board your Huracán EVO becomes even more enjoyable, remotely as well using the Lamborghini UNICA app. Exclusive comfort, navigation, safety and entertainment features will let you manage...
Ce matériau, le plus léger, résistant et innovant actuellement utilisé par Automobili Lamborghini, permet de réaliser des composants avec des géométries complexes qui sont à la base des structures avant et arrière de l’ALA. Découvrir toutela dynamique de conduite CARACTÉRISTIQUES ...
使用智能手机扫描二维码,开启 Lamborghini 增强现实体验。概览 这是一款致力于提供真正赛车体验感和技术的公路合法超级跑车。 集中了兰博基尼多年的赛车专业技术和各项殊荣传承于一体的全新Huracán STO:配备极致的空气动力学系统、赛车动力、轻量化内饰以及迄今为止最高性能V10发动机,时刻准备在日常生活中触发你的赛道激情。
U R A C Á N DISPLACEMENT 5204 cm³ BORE AND STROKE 84,5 x 92,9 mm DRY WEIGHT 1230 kg GT3 EVO2 The Huracán GT3 EVO2 was designed and developed by Lamborghini Squadra Corse based on the Huracán STO, with which it shares essential design elements, the fact that it is equipped ...
Lamborghini Squadra Corse presents the Huracán Super Trofeo EVO2, the new version of the racing car that will be the sole protagonist of the three continental series of the Lamborghini championship starting in 2022.
Lamborghini Squadra Corse presents the Huracán Super Trofeo EVO2, the latest version of racing car that will be used across each of the three continental Lamborghini series, starting in 2022.