Limited to a mere 800 examples, the SVJ Roadster is the most iconic form of the Aventador family. Its Lamborghini aerodynamics represent the most futuristic ever designed: the ALA 2.0 system and aero-vectoring ensure the minimum drag on straightaways and the optimal aerodynamic load when cornering...
The indomitable V12 engine of Aventador SVJ Roadster stands out for its exceptional design and the advanced technology of its materials. Boasting 770 CV at 8,500 RPMs, and capable of accelerating from 0-100 km/h in 2.98 seconds, Aventador SVJ Roadster provides thrills unlike anything that has...
The Lamborghini Aventador SVJ roadster is the hardcore, concentrated, and undiluted essence of a classic supercar. It's powered by a massive, 759-hp 6.5-liter V-12 stuck in the middle of the car. It's free of turbochargers, superchargers, and any concern about fuel costs. And it's a ...
Lamborghini Aventador SVJ "63" roadster #兰博基尼##兰博基尼aventador##豪车超跑# 这台紫色SVJ是不是非常帅?Aventador的颜值太能打,即使Revuelto已经出来了,Aventador依然不过时。
Lamborghini Aventador SV Roadster 4KDeerkin_Media 立即播放 打开App,流畅又高清100+个相关视频 更多 4998 3 03:22 App Lamborghini Aventador SVJ 2853 0 04:13 App 雪蓝 兰博基尼 Aventador 4K 2064 1 01:51 App Lamborghini Revuelto 4K 1733 0 06:57 App Aventador SV 配备 Sterling Performance 排气 4K...
Lamborghini Aventador SVJ 63Roadster,全球限量63台!Lamborghini Aventador SVJ 63 Roadster ,全球限量63台!“63”LOGO表明该车的真实身份:意在致敬1963年成立的兰博基尼品牌,在900台限量的Aventador SVJ中,这款特别版限量打造63台。动力搭载一台6.5升自然吸气V12发动机,最大功率为...
兰博基尼的Centro Stile设计团队和Ad Personam部门打造出一款Aventador SVJ 63。该车仅发售63台,也就是世界上只有63名车主可以享受独特的跑车版本的SVJ 63。 车身采用哑光或闪亮的碳纤维材质,包括车顶、发动机罩、发动机通风口、挡风玻璃边缘和后视镜。以及一个'1 of 63'编号板。
2020 Lamborghini Aventador SVJ Roadster in Viola Parsifae $809,500 2020 1,890 miles $809,500 Semi-Automatic AWD/4WD Why Find Your Lambo Here? Wide range of Lambos We list various Lamborghinis that private owners and dealerships are selling. ...
偶遇神秘大佬喜提新大牛Revuelto颜值真的太科幻了,各项都要强过上一代 Aventador,所以你会选择哪一台呢 1161 0 01:09 App 【4K】兰博基尼 Aventador SVJ Roadster - 限量800台 2813 1 02:21 App 布加迪赤龙究级出没,杭州首台新大牛喜提新车,诸多打卡车辆轰油门。 3314 0 00:21 App 满血E2不卖是吧?那咱...
LAMBORGHINI 兰博基尼 Aventador 19款 Aventador SVJ Roadster 商品介绍完善信息 待完善 规格查看更多 上市时间 2019-03-05 动力类型 汽油 发动机 6.5L V型 12缸 自然吸气 最高车速(km/h) 350 保修政策 3年不限里程 车型级别 中型跑车 工信部综合油耗(L/100km) ...