Based on lambert-w function, the exact solution is obtained by calculating the total annual allocated cost. The variable values that may have errors in the function model are deeply analyzed. Combined with the inherent characteristics of power transformer, the factors affecting the economic life in...
lambert W functionsurface potentialanalytical solutioncompact modelpoly-Si TFTsA physics-based analytical solution to the surface potential of polysilicon thin film transistors (poly-Si TFTs) using the Lambert W function has been derived from poly-Si TFTs implicit surface potential equation without ...
Geoghegan, Edgar W. Attorney, Agent or Firm: Olson, Trexler, Wolters, Bushnell & Fosse, Ltd. Claims: The invention is claimed as follows: 1. A hydrostatically powered machine drive in combination with a machine having a fixed carriage and an assembly movable on the carriage, the drive compr...
Ebbersa, M. J. H., Wallisa, I. R., Dury, S., Floydc, R. & Foley, W. J. Spectrometric prediction of secondary metabolites and nitrogen in fresh Eucalyptus foliage: Towards remote sensing of the nutritional quality of foliage for leaf-eating marsupials.Aust. J. Bot.50, 761–768 (20...
The errors in LAIpred propagated to errors in modeled carbon and latent heat fluxes of -0.21 to 0.32 g C m-2 day-1 in GPP, -0.09 to 0.19 g C m-2 day-1 in NEP, and -3.2 to 3.9 W m-2 in LE, which is close to the measurement errors recognized in the tower flux measurement....