Copying the Full Game files to your Oculus Quest Before attempting to start Lambda1VR you need to do the following: Install and start the application once until it shows the menu screen. At this point exit and you will find that a "xash" folder has been created on your headset. ...
开发者西蒙·布朗(Simon Brown)在2019年带来了第一版本的LambdalVR。这款面向Oculus Quest的工具是“半条命”的游戏模拟器。LambdalVR不是官方发行,但玩家可以下载免费APK并通过允许第三方安装来尝试沉浸式版本的“半条命”。 尽管一开始只是简单的演示内容,但开发者不断的更新已经将LambdalVR变成完备的“半条命”模拟器...