To complete this tutorial, you use the AWS Command Line Interface (AWS CLI). To complete this tutorial, you perform the following steps: In account A, create an Amazon SNS topic. In account B, create a Lambda function that will read messages from the topic. In account B, create a ...
mkdir kinesis-tutorial cd kinesis-tutorial Copy the sample JavaScript code into a new file named index.js. Create a deployment package. zip index.js Create a Lambda function with the create-function command. aws lambda create-function --function-name ProcessKinesisRecords \ --zip-fi...
A lot of work has already been put in by AWS engineers to help with this problem, such asprovisioned concurrency, but we should still endeavour to write more cloud-appropriate code on our side to get the performance we can. In this AWS Lambda tutorial, we’re going to be looking at 11...
These AWS Lambda interview questions and answers are designed by industry experts for a fresher and more experienced professional to clear your next AWS interviews.
地址 doc: Lambda 入门 - AWS Lambda 工作流 Mangum Mangum doc: Mangum 结合mangum部署fastapi到aws lambda Deploy FastAPI applications to AWS Lambda is a quick tutorial about how to deploy FastAPI and Starlette applications to AWS Lambda using Mangum, including also...
Module 1: Introduction to AWS Lambda LEARNING MODULE Overview In this tutorial you will learn how to use .NET with AWS Lambda. No previous knowledge of AWS Lambda is assumed, but you should have familiarity with AWS, and .NET. Over this course, you will learn to create, deploy, run, te...
This Learning Plan helps Developers, Architects, and DevOps engineers understand and work with serverless functions using AWS Lambda.
aws lambda create-function --function-name UpdateMovie \--description "Update an existing movie" \--runtime go1.x \--role arn:aws:iam::ACCOUNT_ID:role/UpdateMovieRole \--handler main \--environment Variables={TABLE_NAME=movies} \--zip-file fileb://./ \--region us-east...
Let’s see what it takes to upgrade your AWS Lambda functions to OpenFaaS and Serverless 2.0 using OpenFaaS Prerequisites An existing AWS Lambda function For the tutorial, we’ll be using the Lambda function in thisGithub repository OpenFaaS ...
[AWS] Step Function of Lambda Ref:AWS Step Functions with Lambda Tutorial | Step by Step Guide 一、逻辑图 二、Function code importjsonimportdatetimeimporturllibimportboto3deflambda_handler(message, context):#TODO implementprint("received messsage from step fn")print(message)...