LAMBADA Dataset Introduced by Paperno et al. inThe LAMBADA dataset: Word prediction requiring a broad discourse context Lambada**(语言建模扩展到话语方面)基准测试是一个开放式完形填空任务,由BooksCorpus的大约10,000篇文章组成,每篇文章的最后一句预测一个缺失的目标词。缺少的词被限制为总是最后一句的最后一...
2.3 语料的特点: LAMBADA passages are self-contained and cannot be solved by exploiting the knowledge in the remainder of the novels. (语料中每个文章的两两交集少,所以模型很难根据一篇文章的背景知识推导另外一篇文章的答案) 2.4 数据集的筛选:规则:1. 第一个根据全文预测成功;2. 第二个人根据全文预测...
This detokenizer doesn't do anything on theofficialLambada dataset since there are no smart quotes in it. My understanding is that OpenAI used its own version of Lambada dataset generated from book corpus/lambada. This dataset is interesting because of the accuracy gap in GPT2-small numbers -...
publicdelegateinthellodelegate(inta ,intb) 2.根据委托,定义具体方法 二者具有相同的返回值类型和参数列表 publicintadd(inta,intb){returna+b;} 3,创建委托对象关联具体函数(创建委托变量并赋值) hellodelegate hello=newhellodelegate(add); 或者 hellodelegate hello; hello=newhellodelegate(add); 4,通过委托...
LSTM language model on LAMBADA dataset. Contribute to brain-research/wip-lambada-lm development by creating an account on GitHub.