Lamb wave scattering in an infinite, isotropic, homogeneous and linear elastic plate which contains a pair of surface-breaking inclined notch is evaluated. An inclined crack can be approached by vanishing the width of the inclined notch. The scattering of Lamb waves from geometric discontinuities inv...
The new-wave of filmmaking coming out of Argentina, a story of familial secrets between sisters and a moving documentary about orphan children in Swaziland form an eclectic selection of projects chosen from the rest of the world by filmmakers Francisco Varone ("Road To La Paz"), Manu Gerosa ...
Experimental and theoretical investigations of Lamb wave excitation and sensing using piezo patch transducers and the laser vibrometer technique have been performed, aiming at the development of adequate mathematical and computer models for the interpretation of sensing data and for the choice of optimal ...
Lamb wave scattering by a surface breaking crack in a platedoi:10.1016/S0963-8695(96)80290-8NDT & E International
【摘要】Lamb wave has been widely used in material damage detection, the damage signal received through the sensor can judge for all the damage properties and analysis of damage location. But the actual test,we will inevitably encounter small-scale,close damage detection. In this case,we can no...
da (in Greece), Mexican Tea-C. ambrosiodides, Quelite(Mexico), California Goosefoot-C. californicum, Oak-leaved Goosefoot-C. glaucum, Upright Goosefoot C. urbicum, Maple Leaf Goosefoot-C. hybridum, C. simplex, Good King Henry-C. bonus-henricus , Many-seeded Goosefoot-C. polyspermum,...
wave frontal analysisThis study proposes a novel method of local phase velocimetry based on the spatio-temporal gradient analysis. Structural flaws such as sub-surface delamination, corrosion and fatigue cracks represent changes in effective thickness and local properties of materials, and therefore, ...
Francis Bacon, who convinced me to ditch philosophy and take up engineering, hand-waved it away by putting a philosopher-king at the head of the rational, scientific state, with all the other citizens scurrying about gathering data to test the hypotheses that he came up with. Nigel Davies ...
谐波的应力波因子可对层状固体结构 表面性质的变化情况进行准确定征 关键词 材料表面与界面 层状固体结构 兰姆波 非线性 二次谐波 应力波因子 中图分类号 VZ57 文献标识码 A Ab tract ThenonlinearLambwaveapproachispresentedforcharacterizingthesurfacepropertiesoflayered structures Theinfluencesofchangesinsurface...
saturatedporoelasticmedia. Keywords:transverselyisotropic;saturatedsoils;waveequations;transientsolution 1 引言 在饱和半空间表面作用动力荷载而引起的弹性 波动问题,即Lamb问题,是采用动力边界单元法 分析土一结构动力相互作用的重要理论基础,因而一 直受到广泛的关注。Paul[”、Kynia[、Chen[3-4]...