-Where are we?-I dont know
一where are we 一how should we do 其实看到这里的时候,就应该可以预料到他们的爱情无法继续。毕竟"永远爱你"听起来多像是郑重的告别。我怎么那么傻呢 在爱情和理想之间,男女主都选择了后者。毕竟理想比你先进入我的生活。如果这样,即使没有在一起,也不算是错过。因为我们都实现了最初的理想,没有因为爱情停止...
在mia做完最后一次面试后,mia问塞巴斯蒂安,where are we?他的回答是i don't know,wait to see,mia几乎要哭出来,深爱彼此的人也许会有分开的一天,5年后的酒吧相遇,塞巴斯蒂安为mia演奏的那一曲jazz,那一刻整个世界都只属于他们,所有的被现实打破的美好都在音乐里实现了,最后的彼此相视一笑,有爱,有无奈,但...
Where does lalaland come from? lamag.com Lalaland emerges as a slang term in the 1960s. It apparently comes from la-la as an imitation for the sound of someone who’s “crazy,” and land imagines a fictional, far-off place one goes to in such a state. We also see la la as ...
谁也没错可是生活就是把我们推到了如此地步,where are we也许答案从不知晓却也了然于心。最后的最后,想象片段中两个人在酒吧里二次初见由原本的漠然相撞改为热烈拥吻的时候,我的眼泪还是夺眶而出了,可能因为想象终究美好所以在弹下最后一个音时我的心头一颤,为什么两个如此般配又曾经如此相爱的人会错过呢。可是...
The vanity pornographer "Lew Xypher" has released both his productions through Harmony, the previous one a Hyde imitation called "Hell Is Where the Party Is", so I bought them.Here we have an absence of ideas or proper script -merely gonzo sex scenes, the requisite kinkiness already ...
Here we have an absence of ideas or proper script -merely gonzo sex scenes, the requisite kinkiness already reflected in "Hell", and no knowledge of cinematic technique. The widescreen visuals try to impress, but in many scenes the lighting is poor, the focus off (read: out-of-focus) or...
Where are we Griffith Park. -- Where are we - I know. 50 / 54 lalaland 爱乐之城电影英文台词全 I don't know. What do we do I don't think we could do anything, because when you get this... If I get this. When you get this. You gotta give it everything you got. Every...
"I guess we're just gonna have to wait and see."先说说背景:女主先提了分手,后来男主找女主...