Lala allows its users to stream any song in its 8 million strong song library once, with the option for unlimited streaming at 10 cents per track and 79 cents for permanent MP3 download. This acquisition would allow Apple to integrate full-song streaming into iTunes and opens up possibilities...
Look man just let me let me can ya download it for me something Naw man we can't do that here Mp3 you can't No we can't mp3 I'm sorry Lemme take one of these listening machines or somethin and bring it back to ya tomorrow Ya f**kin crazy my boss would kill me man ...
他们的song么,总体都是创作、向上的感觉。就这首歌而言,从前奏就能感觉出来哦~ 飞鱼by 苏打绿 老船说这海上我都看过 老船说这海浪我都触摸过 老船说这海我都聆听过 生活我已全然看透 没有什么想要做 汪洋说云你没有摘过 汪洋说深水你没有泅潜过 汪洋说...