Edward High School, Ron was drafted into the Army. He and Don ended up in basic training together, with Don stationed in Germany while Ron served in Vietnam, overseeing security for a transportation company during a challenging time. In 1969, Ron met his wife on a blind date arranged by...
Ron Blondeauex, a longtime Lakewood resident, has lived a life rich in service, love, and community. He and his twin brother, Don, moved from farm country in Pennsylvania to Cleveland, eventually settling in Lakewood at age 13. After graduating from St. Edward High School, Ron was drafted...
Ron Blondeauex, a longtime Lakewood resident, has lived a life rich in service, love, and community. He and his twin brother, Don, moved from farm country in Pennsylvania to Cleveland, eventually settling in Lakewood at age 13. After graduating from St. Edward High School, Ron was drafted...
The Lakewood Music Boosters is excited to announce “Brunch with Santa” in conjunction with “Light Up Lakewood” on December 7, 2024. This event will be held at Lakewood High School from 11:00 AM to 3:00 PM. The morning will feature a variety of festivities, including performances by La...
Ron Blondeauex, a longtime Lakewood resident, has lived a life rich in service, love, and community. He and his twin brother, Don, moved from farm country in Pennsylvania to Cleveland, eventually settling in Lakewood at age 13. After graduating from St. Edward High School, Ron was drafted...
Ron Blondeauex, a longtime Lakewood resident, has lived a life rich in service, love, and community. He and his twin brother, Don, moved from farm country in Pennsylvania to Cleveland, eventually settling in Lakewood at age 13. After graduating from St. Edward High School, Ron was drafted...
Ron Blondeauex, a longtime Lakewood resident, has lived a life rich in service, love, and community. He and his twin brother, Don, moved from farm country in Pennsylvania to Cleveland, eventually settling in Lakewood at age 13. After graduating from St. Edward High School, Ron was drafted...
The Lakewood Music Boosters is excited to announce “Brunch with Santa” in conjunction with “Light Up Lakewood” on December 7, 2024. This event will be held at Lakewood High School from 11:00 AM to 3:00 PM. The morning will feature a variety of festivities, including performances by La...
The Lakewood Music Boosters is excited to announce “Brunch with Santa” in conjunction with “Light Up Lakewood” on December 7, 2024. This event will be held at Lakewood High School from 11:00 AM to 3:00 PM. The morning will feature a variety of festivities, including performances by La...
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