Discover adventure at our Lake Powell resort with RV and camping sites, houseboat rentals, and lakeside lodging, plus dining, watersports, boat tours, and more.
Discover adventure at our Lake Powell resort with RV and camping sites, houseboat rentals, and lakeside lodging, plus dining, watersports, boat tours, and more.
鲍威尔湖度假村(Lake Powell Resort) 100 Lakeshore Drive, 佩吉显示地图 鲍威尔湖度假村位于佩姬,位于湖畔,步行前往瓦韦普码头只需 5 分钟、前往鲍威尔湖需 9 分钟。 此海滩度假村距离格仑峡谷大坝 5 英里(8 公里),距离Lone Rock Beach (孤岩滩) 7.9 英里(12.8 公里)。查看更多 ...
We recently stayed at Lake Powell resort for a girls trip. We hiked during the day and while the resort is in a prime location, you have to pay an extra $30 just to get to resort. When we went to shower at night the bath had standing water from each shower we took. We also did...
美國佩奇 (AZ) | 特價預訂鮑威爾湖度假村 (Lake Powell Resort), 查看真實評論,享受價格保證. Agoda筍價特惠,伴您難忘旅程!
Located on a Canyon Rim Plateau, a truly unique experience awaits when you stay at the Under Canvas resort at Lake Powell. Try Lake Powell glamping today.
包伟湖/鲍威尔湖(Lake Powell) Q & A Q1. 从拉斯维加斯到包伟湖(鲍威尔湖)坐大巴需要多长时间? A1. 从拉斯维加斯到包伟湖(鲍威尔湖)单程距离约309英里(约497公里),自驾车时间约为8小时15分钟(如交通顺畅);如选择搭乘大巴(旅游)用时可能更久一些。
鲍威尔湖(lake Powell)它位于美国犹他州和亚利桑那州交接处,是美国第二大人工湖。这里进入要收门票,我们因为买了国家公园年卡,可以不用另外买票。进入后映入眼帘的是一汪蔚蓝色的湖水,美的让人心醉.更让人称奇的是,湖的四周是桔红色的沙...
鲍威尔湖(lake Powell)它位于美国犹他州和亚利桑那州交接处,是美国第二大人工湖,主要是蓄水,供应这两个州的用水。它是由格伦峡谷大坝拦住克罗拉多河水形成的。它名字来自第一位漂流到此,并建议开发的Powell将军的名字命名的 矗立在眼前这座雄伟的大坝就是著名的格伦大坝。