Another result of the changing Holocene climate was a rising global sea-level by meltwater supply and thermal expansion of sea-water (eustatic sea-level rise). During the maximum Weichselian glaciation, the global sea-level was about 125 metres deeper than today. In the Early Holocene, large...
The aim of the study was to reconstruct: (1) the postglacial history of vegetation in northeast Poland at regional and local scales, (2) the history of the development of Linówek and fluctuations in its water level, and (3) the history of human economic activity and its impact on ...
Most importantly, upwelling of nutrient-rich water leads to plankton blooms which sometimes reach for a short period a eutrophic or hyper-eutrophic level. These upwelling events, over the annual cycle, are critical drivers of the abundance and reproduction of many organisms (phyto- and zooplankton,...
The giant Badwater Basin salt flat, the largest at America's lowest level of minus-282 feet, is a must-see at Death Valley, with the National Park Service reporting, "These large salt formations, in the shape of a large polygon, form a unique landscape that appears to stretch on forever...
The water level of the lake is controlled by the southward outflow volume of the Blue Nile River and Tana-Beles hydropower water system, and the inflow volume of tributary rivers from all directions [40]. The primary tributary rivers to the lake are Gilgel Abbay, Megech, Gumara, and Rib...
[3]. After the establishment of the Kiskunsági National Park, the rehabilitation of the protected area began in the 1990s. The water level gradually increased, new open waters were created, and the condition of the grasslands greatly improved due to the reduction of the invasive plant species ...
The results show that the approach used can be replicated at other similar ungauged watersheds. As one of the most important sources of water for irrigation in the country, the results can be used for planning and implementing a lake basin management program targeting upstream soil erosion ...