- 2023 popularity rank: #13 (no change) Yorkshire terriers are descendants of dogs that were used to hunt rats in coal mines, textile mills, and factories of England during the Industrial Revolution. Today, Yorkshire terriers' beautiful, floor-length silky coats have made the dogs favorites amo...
Yorkshire terriers are descendants of dogs that were used to hunt rats in coal mines, textile mills, and factories of England during the Industrial Revolution. Today, Yorkshire terriers' beautiful, floor-length silky coats have made the dogs favorites among fashionistas. It's important to note tha...
On September 8 we will 10 on a shopping sp_ree to Frank'.in Mills (similar to Potomac Mills) near Philadelphia. The spinners will take fresh- ly-shorn fleece, straig'ht from the sheep, and comb, card or other- wise prepare it for spinning, spin it into suitllllble y,arn. It will...