What appears to bethelaissez fairemodel breaks down because of government policies, not designed to prevent entrepreneurship but simply impeding it…. gemconsortium.org gemconsortium.org 雖然政府政策沒有禁止創業,但卻為創業者製造了障礙,令所謂的自由放任模式名存實 亡……。
The centuries-old doctrine known as laissez-faire is a government policy of economic (an(I social) nonintervention and is a cornerstone of capitalist economic philosophy. Phrases like "rugged individualism," "free trade," "market economics," "free enterprise," and "free competition" reflect a ...
1 PEthe principle that the government should allow theeconomyor private businesses to develop without any state control or influence〔国家不限制私营企业发展的〕自由放任主义 the policy of laissez-faire 自由放任政策 laissez-faire economics/capitalism自由放任的经济学/资本主义 ...
Laissez-faire policies serve as a motivation for the producer to hone its products in response to the standards set by the market. The price system is such that the output and consumption levels are solely determined by the varied decisions made by households and firms through transactions in th...
What Is Laissez-Faire? Laissez-faire is an economic theory dating back to the 18th century that opposes any government intervention in business affairs. The driving principle behind laissez-faire economics is that the less the government is involved in the economy, the better off business, and so...
4 Also remarkable was how little change took place in the government's economic policies. Laissez-faire was discarded by the rest of the world but flourished in Hong Kong together with free trade, a belief in the efficacy of free market forces and minimal state interference with business. ...
These terms are especially associated witheconomics. In this context, they refer to systems in which there are few regulations and little governmentoversightof how business is conducted. Supporters offree enterprisetypically advocate forlaissez-fairepolicies. In contrast, most governments create regulations...
Attempts at laissez-faire policies in the U.S. have not worked; however, the Constitution has provisions that protect the free market. Definition and Examples of Laissez-Faire Economics Laissez-faire economics is a theory that says the government should not intervene in the economy except to pro...
(跳至中文 » 英语) laissez-faire,laisser-faire[leıˈseıˈfeə]名词形 laissez-faire(法): laissez-faire 放任主义(的)fàngrènzhǔyì 您希望如何使用 PONS.com? 广告版的PONS 像往常一样访问PONS.com并进行广告跟踪和广告投放 ...
Laissez-faire has never been an option for us 自由放任从来不是我们的选择。 MultiUn Open economies are not laissez-faire economies 开放的经济不是自由放任的经济。 MultiUn The Tunku government preferred laissez-faire policies, minimising economic intervention. 東姑政府偏向自由放任政策,儘可能減少...