Laika was the abandoned puppy destined to become Earth's first space traveler. This is her journey. Nick Abadzis masterfully blends fiction and fact in the intertwined stories of three compelling lives. Along with Laika, there is Korolev, once a political prisoner, now a driven engineer at th...
Nick Abadzis blends fiction and fact in the intertwined stories of three compelling lives. Along with Laika, there is Korolev, once a political prisoner, now a driven engineer at the top of the Soviet space program, and Yelena, the lab technician responsible for Laika's health and life. ...
By Sean Fitz-Gerald the comics page Sept. 12, 2007 Exclusive Comics Excerpt: ‘Laika’Today on the Comics Page, we’re proud to present an excerpt from Laika, a graphic novel based on a true story, by Nick Abadzis, out this month from First Second Books.TV...
Adapted from Nick Abadzis’ eponymous 2007 graphic novel, “Laika” will tell the story of planet Earth’s first voyager into space, an unwanted stray who survived the streets of Moscow to become the most famous dog in the world. Through the medium of animated VR, the story, co...