Half-Life in the summer of 1997 bore only superficial resemblance to the Half-Life that just went gold. It had a storyline involving an accident at a decommissioned missile base, a dimensional portal experiment, lots of smart alien and human enemies, and a bonus trip to another world. There...
But the next day I’m on a plane home with no resolution. There’s a vague notion that I might help them out long-distance with story issues, but that’s it. Back to the law office. My muse pats me on the arm and says, There, there. I guess it wasn’t meant to be. # A ...
Half-Life in the summer of ‘97 bore only superficial resemblance to the Half-Life that just went gold. There was a storyline in the spec involving an accident at a decommissioned missile base, a dimensional portal experiment, lots of smart alien and human enemies, and a bonus trip to an...