Catarina is a town near Masaya, overlooking the Laguna de Apoyo. Catarina is famous for its magnificent view of the lagoon. The Mirador de Catarina is one of the highest hills surrounding the Laguna de Apoyo, and the view from here is amazing. You can see all the lagoon and Lake Nicaragu...
Click on photo for a larger image Second Place Artist Award Category, Danny Folkman for “Whitley Heights” Click on photo for a larger image Second Place Signature Artist Award Category, Durre Waseem for “Visitors” The extended online art catalog exhibition will continue through January 6, 2025...
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(1) Berkshire Hills (1) Berkshire Hills Camp (6) Berkshire Mountains (1) Berlin (1) Bernard Spear (1) Bernie Berns (1) Bernie Federman (1) Bernie Leibowitz (2) Bernie Sanders (1) Berry Sakharof (1) Bert Parks (1) Best of Jewish Humor Central (1) Bet David (3) Beth Am Israel...