Nigeria is the largest economy in Africa and once had a booming textile industry. During the golden period of 1985-1991, the annual growth rate of the textile industry was 67%. In 1991, there were more than 350000 employees in the textile industry, accounting for 25% of the total number ...
Lagos is the largest city in Nigeria. It is also commonly called Lagos City. The growth of Lagos differs from that of most other cities in several... Learn more about this topic: Nigerian History, Culture & People from Chapter 23/ Lesson 2 ...
The study finding revealed that market penetration has a significant effect on the growth rate (β = 0.932, t = 47.129, R2 = 0.835, p-value = <0.05. The study concludes that market penetration has a significant effect on growth rate of selected F&B firms in Lagos State, Nigeria. It is...
Nigeria’s Inflation Rate Drops From 34.80% To 24.48% adminFebruary 18, 2025 Nigeria’s headline inflation has dropped to 24.48% year on year in January 2025. This represents ... chat_bubble0 Commentvisibility51 Views Entertainment News
I. I. Balogun, A. O. Sojobi, and E. Galkaye, "Public water supply in Lagos State, Nigeria: Review of importance and challenges, status and concerns and pragmatic solutions," Cogent Engineering, vol. 4, no. 1, May 2017. doi:10.1080/23311916.2017.1329776....
Nigeria bets on Chinese-funded port to drive economic growth January 24, 2023 Spain: Nigerian stowaways found on ship’s rudder seek asylum November 30, 2022 Nigerian stowaways found on ship’s rudder in Canary Islands November 29, 2022 Nigerian teens create fashion from trash to figh...
Personal Income Tax: A tax payable by all individuals and registered businesses and partnerships except those registered under Part A of Companies and Allied Matters Act 1990. Its rate is between 7% & 24% Education Tax: A tax chargeable on all companies registered in Nigeria at 2% of chargeable...
Urban farming is rapidly growing in many cities in Nigeria including a leading African megacity Lagos, although urban stakeholders have paid little attention to the trend over time. The rate of growth of urban farming and its contributions to Lagos state's food supply strategy is worthy of note...
Aim. To review the quality of colonoscopy practice and document pattern of colonic disease including polyp detection rate in Lagos, Nigeria. Method. A protocol that captured the patients’ demographics, indication, and some quality indices of colonoscopy was developed and sent to all the identified ...
In the end, the race may come down to Tinubu, Lagos’ former governor and a man Nigerians call the ‘godfather’ because of his outsized influence in choosing his political party’s candidates and supporting their campaigns in Lagos and surrounding states. The Action Congress of Nigeria, which...