上下颌每侧有齿34~44枚。 The Sarawak dolphin (scientific name: Lagenodelphis hosei) has a short snout. The dorsal fin is small, approximately equilateral triangle, with a pointed end and slightly retroflex. The fin limbs and tail fins are also smaller. The back of the body is blue black ...
灰海豚属 Grampus 坛喙海豚属 Lagenodelphis 霍氏海豚 Lagenodelphis hosei ... baike.baidu.com|基于45个网页 2. 沙捞越海豚属 鲸目海豚科沙捞越海豚属动物大全 ... 海豚科( Delphinidae) 沙捞越海豚属( Lagenodelphis) 台湾海域( Taiwan) ... dwdq.kupan.cn|基于9个网页 3. 霍氏海豚属 霍氏海豚属(Lage...
The Fraser's dolphin, Lagenodelphis hosei has a pantropical distribution. Only several stranding or catch data were available from Japan and Taiwan in the north-west Pacific region. An adult female L. hosei stranded in Jeju-do, Korea. The specimen was identified by external features and skull...
Cetacean morbillivirus (CeMV) is a global threat to cetaceans. We report a novel morbillivirus from a Fraser’s dolphin (Lagenodelphis hosei) that stranded in Maui, Hawaii in 2018 that is dissimilar to the beaked whale morbillivirus previously identified
弗氏海豚 fú shì hǎi tún Lagenodelphis hosei 海龟(学名:Chelonia spp.)是海龟科和棱皮龟科海栖龟类的统称。为了适应水生生活,身体比较扁平,四肢都变成鳍状,长长的前肢像船桨一样,非常适宜在水里自由地邀游。它除了头、四肢和尾巴以外,全身覆盖着硬壳。海龟主要分布于太平洋、大西洋和印度洋的海域。大多数...
沙捞越海豚(学名:Lagenodelphis hosei),吻突短。背鳍较小,近似等边三角形,末端尖,微后曲。鳍肢和尾鳍也较小。体背部蓝黑色或黑灰色,腹部白色。由口角通过眼至肛门后方有一蓝黑色宽带,以此带分界上侧为灰色,下侧为白色。该黑色带由眼向前延伸至额吻交界处,由口角另分出一支延伸至鳍肢基。背鳍、鳍肢、尾鳍及尾柄...
Van Bree PJH, Collet A, Desportes G, Hussenot E, Raga JA (1986) Le dauphin de Fraser, Lagenodelphis hosei (Cetacea, Odontoceti), espece nouvelle pour la faune d'Europe. Mamm 50:57-86B...
Little is known about the biology of the Fraser's dolphin (Lagenodelphis hosei), which is found in tropical and subtropical oceanic waters around the world. There is, depending on age and sex, great variation in intensity and development of the components of the colour pattern and external ...
The distribution of the poorly known Fraser's dolphin Lagenodelphis hosei Fraser (Sarawak Mus J 7:478–503, 1956 ), is revised for the northern Atlantic (NA), with new records for temperate and subtropical oceanic islands. Fraser's dolphins are reported for the first time in the Azores, ...
Food partitioning among three sympatric odontocetes (Grampus griseus, Lagenodelphis hosei, and Stenella attenuata). Mar. Mammal Sci. 28, E143-E157.Wang M-C, Shao K-T, Huang S-L, Chou L-S (2012) Food partitioning among three sympatric odontocetes (Grampus griseus, Lagenodelphis hosei, ...