【自动控制原理】10_超前补偿器_Lead Compensator_PD控制器_比例微分控制 4.2万 26 06:37 App 【自动控制原理】12.5_标准型PID控制器_积分时间_微分时间 7.5万 96 06:14 App 【自动控制原理】2.5_非零初始条件下的传递函数_含有初始条件的传递函数 1.1万 6 25:46 App 【27】buck变换器PI控制+超前补偿器...
再次应用终值定理,并令k=2,得到稳态误差为0.5 可以看出,当没有加入滞后补偿器的时候,存在稳态误差。下图为输入与响应: 03:19 为系统添加补偿器 从公式中可以看出,想要减小稳态误差,需要 减小 在其分母的第二项乘上一个分数(在特定位置乘上分数,方便实际操作),则误差Ec(s)变为 稳态误差essc变为 如果想让essc...
is worse.On the contrary,the system's stability is improved when we only use the lag compensator,but the quality of speed is worse.To solve the problem,we design a lag-lead compensator.It shows better performance in both hands.The method is given in this paper,which is based on MATLAB....
5) lag compensator 滞后补偿器6) lead compensator 超前补偿器 1. The computer aided design of lead compensator based on frequency is introduced, with the function lead given by using MATLAB. 介绍了基于频率法的超前补偿器的计算机辅助设计方法,给出了用MATLAB编制的函数Lead,在 MATLAB环境下调用该...
The lag-lead compensator is tuned by minimizing the sum of absolute error of the control system using MATLAB. Four functional constrains are used to control the performance of the lag-lead compensated control system. The result was reducing the process oscillation to 2.438% overshoot and an 0.648...
其中黄线是没有滞后补偿器的,蓝线是滞后补偿器中p = 1 ,q = 9的曲线,橙红县是p = 0.1 ,q = 0.9的曲线,上面可以看出加入滞后补偿器的系统稳态误差较小,并且橙红和蓝线最终稳定值相同但是到达稳定值的速度不同,原因就是橙红线的p和q对系统根轨迹的影响不大 ...
4 illustrative examples are provided in order to design lead, lag, lead-lag, and lead-lead compensator. Follow 4.5 (2) 854 Downloads Updated3 Feb 2020 View License Share Open in MATLAB Online Download Overview Functions Version History
3.Computer Aided Design of Lag-Lead-Corrector Based on Matlab;基于MATLAB的滞后—超前校正器的计算机辅助设计 4.The Design of the Lead-Lag Compensator for Boiler Steam Temperature Feedforward Control锅炉汽温超前—滞后补偿型前馈控制器设计 5.Design of a Lag-Lead Compensator for the Photo-Electric Plat...
1)lag-lead滞后-超前 1.To solve the problem,we design alag-leadcompensator.针对这个矛盾,我们可以设计滞后-超前补偿器,使伺服系统能够在稳定性和快速性两方面都有良好的表现。 英文短句/例句 1.Design of Lag-Lead-Corrector Based on MATLAB基于MATLAB的滞后-超前校正器的设计 ...
Design of Lag-lead Corrector Using MATLAB 来自 Semantic Scholar 喜欢 0 阅读量: 84 作者: LI ZhongshenWANG Yongchu 摘要: This article introduces computer aided design of lag-lead corrector based on Bode diagram, the function frlaglead is given, the required lag-lead corrector can be ...