网络电喷雾离子阱质谱仪 网络释义 1. 电喷雾离子阱质谱仪 5) 液相色谱电喷雾离子阱质谱仪(LA-ESI-MS):主要解决pmol水平生物分子的检测及其结构表征,可检测0-2000amu多电荷 …|基于 1 个网页
A TOF-MS was used to detect the ion signal. The raw mass spectra were analyzed using the PCA and PLS-DA protocol. ResultsFive fresh meat samples, chicken, duck, pork, beef and mutton, were identified by the developed LAESI-MS technique using the protocol combining PCA and PLS-DA. The ...
Putative identification of metabolite ions from LAESI-MS of an unfertilized X. laevis egg.doi:10.1371/JOURNAL.PONE.0115173.T001Shrestha BindeshS. PrabhakarR. BrentD. HollyJ. PowellMatthewA. SallyV. AkosPLOS ONE
第一卷 Vip46:求婚几天后,穆天阳去巴黎谈生意,顺手带了丁采妍。、. 当天晚上,在酒店的餐厅吃饭,丁采妍喝完红酒,听见几声清脆的碰撞声,好像有石头掉在杯子里。 低头一看,琉璃灯光下,只觉得眼睛被什么闪了一下。她定定地盯着杯子底部,猛地抬头看着穆天阳,脸上是掩不住地惊喜:“这是……”这是一般的礼物,...
The protein ion maps generated from LAESI-MS correlate well with those generated by MALDI-TOF-MS as shown by the distribution of 伪-haemoglobin and a skeletal muscle protein. Sequence information for proteins can potentially be obtained during an imaging run by fragmentation of select charged ...
2. LAESI-MS Imaging with the LAESI DP-1000 Direct Ionization System is faster than traditional MALDI-MS Imaging. (1) LAESI-MS requires no additional sample preparation past cryosectioning, where MALDI-MS requires significant sample preparation steps. The LAESI-MS analysis required 114 minutes ...
The brains Laser Ablation Electrospray Ionization Mass Spectrometry were cryosectioned into matched 50 碌 m thick sections that (LAESI-MS) is a powerful techPnAiqNue00f0o0r0the direct imaging analysis of frozen tissue sections at atmospheric pressure.were thaw-mounted to 25 x 75 mm positively ...
LAESI-IMS-MSLaser ablation electrospray ionizationMass spectrometryMetabolitesAmbient ionization-based mass spectrometry (MS) methods coupled with ion mobility separation (IMS) have emerged as promising approaches for high-throughput in situ analysis for biomedical to......
Metabolic differences between CEM and C81 cells detected by LAESI-MS.Prabhakar, SripadiBindesh, ShresthaRebecca, L. EasleyLawrence, CarpioKylene, KehnHallSebastien, ChevalierRenaud, MahieuxFatah, KashanchiAkos, Vertes
Direct analysis of drugs in forensic applications using laser ablation electrospray ionization-tandem mass spectrometry (LAESI-MS/MS). Anal. Methods 6, 4810-4817.R. E. Deimler, T. T. Razunguzwa, B. R. Reschke, C. M. Walsh, M. J. Powell, G. P. Jackson. Direct analysis of drugs ...