In Miraculous Ladybug, Hawk Moth is the supervillain alter-ego of fashion designerGabriel Agreste. He's also the father ofAdrien Agresteand arch-nemesis of both Adrien's alter-ego,Cat Noir, andLadybug. Whenever he controls someone with an Akuma, a bright pink butterfly shape appears on his...
Gabriel Agreste is the main antagonist of Miraculous: Tales of Ladybug & Cat Noir. With the Moth Miraculous, when inhabited by Nooroo, Gabriel transforms into Hawk Moth (Le Papillon in the French version, which translates to "The Butterfly"). How did Gabriel Agreste become Hawk Moth? He r...
中排右: Stormy Weather(金髮) 和Mireille(黑短髮) 是第一集的路人角。這兩女爭票選天氣預報小姐,金髮妹輸了,心中有了惡意,被Hawkmoth(黑面具男) 乘虛佔據心靈。成了Stormy Weather。 下排左、中:Hawkmoth 本作目前的反派角色,利用黑蛾控制人們心靈。目地是攻擊Ladybug及Cat Noir,要從他們手上搶到M...
The luster of Hawk Moth's suit changes significantly between episodes for no apparent reason. Citas Marinette: [opening sequence] In the daytime, I'm Marinette. Just a normal girl with a normal life. But there's something about me that no one knows yet. 'Cause I have a secret. Crédit...
#ladybug #adrien #ladybird #adrienagreste #marichat #luka #marinettedupaincheng #tikki #ladrien #catnoir #adrienette #plagg #alya #fer #adrinette #hawkmoth #ladybugs #miraculoustalesofladybugandcatnoir #renarouge #lukanette #miraculousladybugedit ...
Lady Bug and Cat Noir protect residents from ruthless villains of Paris under the command of the notorious hawk moth but a couple of nice young super heroes sometimes you want to relax and spend a romantic evening alone. Let's have a boy and girl date in
Gabriel Agreste ガブリエルアグレッテ Hawk Moth Luka Couffaine ルカ・クーフェン Marinette Dupain-Cheng マリネット・デュパン=チェン Ladybug Nino Lahiffe Carapace Support ACDB by visiting our affiliates Crunchyroll store Godlike.HostThis...
11" Cat Noir Fashion Doll is ready to follow his crush Ladybug throught Paris to take on Hawk Moth! Superhero posing with 13 pts of articulation, double jointed elbows and knees Comes with Cat Noir superhero fashion, removable boots and wrist gauntlets, his kwami "PLAGG" and his staff weap...
* in this ladybug and cat noir scene in excess of 20 novel, phenomenal restored foes, for instance, Animan,Reflekta , Antibug, , Hawk Moth, Dark Cupid, Evillustrator and some more* in marvelous ladybug redirections with the need of complimentary remarkable mix in the locale of 2D and 3D...
The luster of Hawk Moth's suit changes significantly between episodes for no apparent reason. Quotes Marinette:[opening sequence]In the daytime, I'm Marinette. Just a normal girl with a normal life. But there's something about me that no one knows yet. 'Cause I have a secret. ...