One of the easiest ways you can make your ladybug drawing even better is by adding a background. A common setting for ladybugs is to show them nibbling on a leaf. It’s a simple and effective way of portraying this ladybug, but it’s far from the only one! There are so many fun...
The ladybug lays the eggs on a leaf with many aphids so the hatching larva has food. Throughout spring, female ladybugs lay more than 1,000 eggs. Larva The larva emerges from the eggs two to ten days after being laid. The time it takes to hatch depends on the temperature and type of...
On Sunday, we had a 'friendship' day in Sunday School. The children had all taken home invitations the week before inviting a friend to come to Sunday School the next Sunday. Your lesson on the ladybugs was such an amazing story to tell children who had possibly never been inside a churc...