作者:无 出版社:Penguin Books Ltd 出版时间:2012-00-00 印刷时间:2018-00-00 页数:221 ISBN:9780241371459 ,购买Ladybird Favourite Nursery Rhymes 最喜爱的童谣 精装英文版 儿童故事绘本书等外文旧书相关商品,欢迎您到孔夫子旧书网
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A Third Ladybird Book of Nursery Rhymes Ladybird series 417 – Adventures of Wonk Going to Sea – The Adventures of Wonk Strawberries and Cream Fireworks The Secret The Circus The Snowman Ladybird series 455 – Uncle Mac In Green Pastures with Uncle Mac ...
《LadybirdI'mReadytoSing!:Classicnurserysongstoshare》作者:PenguinBooksLtd,出版社:2014年2月 第1版,ISBN:76.60。I'mReadytoSingisabig,colourfulbookfromLadybirdwith
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A First Ladybird Book of Nursery Rhymes A Second Ladybird Book of Nursery Rhymes A Third Ladybird Book of Nursery Rhymes The Blue Book of bedtime stories The Yellow Book of bedtime stories Bedtime Rhymes Baby’s First Book Series 417 – Adventures of Wonk ...
book, now considered the “classic” Ladybird format. When, in the 1940s, commissioning editor Douglas Keen noticed a demand for children’s non-fiction, Ladybird expanded from publishing nursery rhymes and fairy tales into factual titles. The Key Words Reading Scheme followed siblings Peter and ...