Lady Luck - the lyndsay diaries Written by:Windsor Scott Ryan If lady luck is on my side She will be with me tonight I barely made this month's rent Save a lucky hand of cards I'll think of something next month Four flights down to the street To a place we agree to ...
LadyLuck并不是流星雨的意思。这个词汇的实际含义与幸运相关,通常被理解为“幸运女神”或“幸运的象征”,与天文现象中的流星雨没有直接关联。下文将从词源解析、常见用法及混淆原因三个方面展开说明。 从词源和字面含义来看,“LadyLuck”由“Lady”(女士)和“Luck”(运气)组...
(似乎幸运女神仍在对他们微笑。) 3. 幸运的事物或人物:在某些情况下,Lady Luck可以指代带来好运的事物或人物。例如,“Lady Luck Casino”指的是一家赌场,暗示这里可能有机会带来好运。 4. 运气:Lady Luck还常用于表示运气,如“Some say lady luck is on my side.”(有人说幸运女神站在我这边。) 5. 幸运...
Lady luck would finally smile at him. 幸运之神终于向他微笑. 互联网 It'seemed Lady Luck was still smiling on them. 似乎幸运女神仍在对他们微笑. 互联网 Las Vegas, home to lady luck. 拉斯维加斯, 幸运女神之家. 互联网 Some say lady luck is on my side. 有一天幸运降临至我身旁. 互联网 ...
"lady luck" 是一种拟人化的说法,意思是“幸运女神”。跟我们很多人一样,其实歪果仁在祈祷好运时也很喜欢说“希望幸运女神能降临!”。 例句: I hope lady luck is on my side going into this job interview! 希望这次面试幸运女神会站在我这边! 5、young lady "young lady"看起来很好理解,不就是“年轻女...
Luck and just about every other force for good on your side now.───因为现在幸运女神在各个方面都站在你的这一边。 Oh yeah, I should also be thanking those lady luck who's been sitting on my shoulders.───噢, 还要感激坐在我肩头的荣幸女神. Some say lady luck is on my side.──...
Lady luck ain't playing on my side Lady luck ain't smiling down Lady luck don't care about my pride Lady luck lays it down Sometimes I wish I could anesthetize Bring up the lows bring down the highs She is the one I need to sympathise ...
lady luck ①lady luck 是一种拟人化的说法。 ②lady luck 意思是:幸运女神 ③例句: I hope lady luck is on my side going into this job interview! 希望这次面试幸运女神会站 在我这边! No.5 young lady ①young lady 常用意思是: 年轻的女士 ...
aI was a lucky girl, lady luck always comes to me. 我是一个幸运女孩,运气总来到我的夫人。[translate]